Chapter 24

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I'm home alone.

I sighed in complete boredom as I laid on the carpet in the living room and stared at the ceiling. The girls were all out. Jennie went to have lunch with her mom while Chae and Jisoo decided to go to this new restaurant near by.

Bunch of jerks, getting food without me.

Hope they choke on a chicken bone.

I huff in annoyance.

Even my cats were having a splendid time playing without me. Before I could wallow more in self pity, I instantly sit up in excitement as I hear a knock on my door.

Must be the pizza guy!

I squeal in excitement and quickly sat up and grabbed my wallet while running towards the door. Without looking through the peephole I quickly open the door,

"Hi! how much—" I look up and instantly felt my heart racing in the most awful way possible. I dropped my wallet.


My breath began to quicken at the sight of a familiar aged man who stared down at me with a soft expression.

"Lalisa." He breathes out. I widen my eyes and gripped the door knob until my knuckles were white as I felt my vision becoming blurry by the tears that wanted to escape.

This can't be real.

"Wha— how did yo— wha.." I stammer out trying to process that the man that had raised me, the one that was my best friend, the one that left us with nothing without a second glance to take care of another family was standing right in front of me as if this was the reunion he has been waiting for.

"Your sister Somi told me—" I sharpen my eyes and harden my face angrily towards him,

"She's not my sister." He sighs and stares at me with a sorrowful expression.

But I don't give a damn.

"Can I come in?" I clench my jaw towards his stupidity.

"You're kidding me right? Do you really believe that I'm going to let you, a stranger, into my dorm? You're unbelievable." I sarcastically chuckle. He exhales and tries to reach for my my hand.

"Please, Lisa lets just talk an—" I quickly took a step back and felt everything I have held in for so long explode. How dare he stand here and act like he didn't do shit to me and most importantly, my mother!

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!!" I scream out.

Oh God it hurts.

I can't breath!

The pain is taking control.

He flinches and swiftly pulls his hand back to his side as his giant doe eyes from behind his glasses glazed with sadness.

"Can we please tal—"

"Talk about what?! Talk about how you cheated on mom?! Talk about the promises you kept breaking?! Talk about how you left us with nothing! Sure let's talk about how you fucked us over." I yell out as I frantically waved my arms around. I swallow a growing lump in my throat as I felt my tears nearing freedom.

I refused to cry and show my weakness in front of him. He narrows his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I understand that you're mad. But I'm sti—"

"Mad is an understatement. And don't you dare say you're still my father! I think it's clear that I have no father. You're just another stranger on my door step, intruding into my life." I coldly say, venom laced into my tone. He lets out a breath as a tear suddenly escaped his eye. I click my tongue in annoyance and sent him a tight smile,

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