Chapter 28

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I let out a long deep sigh as I closed the door of my bedroom. Dance rehearsals was tiring as hell and I was ready to shower, change into comfy pajamas and—

Oh for fucks sakes.

Of course someone would be knocking on my door, ruining any chance I could get to relax my stiff body. I huff and swiftly open my door. I widen my eyes for the nth time today and stare at Jennie who had an unreadable expression. I tilt my head slightly,

"Uh Hey Jen. What're you—"

"I have two questions for you Manoban. And answer to me honestly." She sternly demands, cutting me of completely with narrowed eyes. I stare at her for a moment and chuckle nervously before slowly nodding my head,

"Okay.." I drag and motion for her to go on.

"Are you and Sehun dating?" She asks with a blank serious expression. I furrow my eyebrows, feeling even more confused than before,

"No." I simply respond. Jennie lets out a breath before nodding,

"Are you and Chaeyoung dating?" I chuckle and immediately shake my head,

"Again, no. What's with all these questions Jen?" I ask. She lets out another breath of relief before beaming at me.

"Go on a date with me." Jennie proudly demands.






I gawk at her in confusion for a moment, trying to register what she had just said.


Excuse me,


I blink rapidly with my heart beating abnormally and extremely fast.

Did she just ask me out on a date?

With a shake of my head, removing myself from a trance, I began to nervously stammer out incoherent words,

"I-.. Uh— Wai—" she giggles and cuts me off,

"Great! Be ready by 8!" She excitedly states before swiftly turning around and rushing to her room. I stood there in a frozen state, shocked from what just happened.

Do I actually have a date with Jennie?

This cannot be real.

When it finally sunk in that I had a date with the love of my life, I gasped and began to chase after her but she had already closed her door. I began to rapidly knock on her door,

"Wait Jennie!" I yell out. I hear her laugh,

"Sorry! Can't talk right now! Gotta get ready for a date! You should see the girl! She's pretty hot!" She states loudly and began to play loud music to mask my calls and knocks. I felt a blush coat my cheeks after realizing what she said and began to stare at her door.

I, Lalisa Manoban, have a date with Jennie freaking Kim. Is this a dream?

Before I could process anything else, the sound of Jisoos door opening had quickly caught my attention. I look over and gasped seeing Chaeyoung tiptoeing out with her hair all messed up, her clothes wrinkled, flushed cheeks and her lips slightly red and swollen.

Okay. Now I know this is a dream.

I cross my arms and stared at her in amusement as she quietly closes the door and turns around. Seeing me however, she gasps in horror and jumps in surprise while placing her hand on her heaving chest,

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