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Hey guys! I know I don't usually put long authors notes at the beggining or end, but we hit 1k reads!!! Thats almost 100 views per chapter, and thats... a lot!

It makes me so happy that you all like the new book! This book has blown up! The first day, 10 views, like 1 month later 1k!! I can't believe the suport, it means a lot to me!

Also I made a new cover, its so cute x3

Shout out toooooo



Garroth had clamed down, he ended up laying his head on Gene's lap while he quietly fell asleep. The group looked at each other. Katelyn obviously royally pissed, Cloud with wide eyes, Aphmau and Kawaii~chan holding each other as they took in what just went down. Zane and Vylad looked like they were about to commit a hit-and-run, when Gene said,

"Sorry about all that..."

Zane broke his gaze from the wall and looked at Gene, then he laughed. "That was so fucking hilarious!"

Vylad snickered a bit, then caught Dante's gaze and slowly stopped. He blushed then looked away. Garroth stirred and sat up.

"Talk about a power nap." Katelyn teased, ruffling Garroth's hair. He giggled a bit and stuck out his tongue.


It was after school, Garroth, Zane, and Vylad were all waiting for there mom to pick them up in the car line. The three brothers were all making faces at eachother, obviously a laughing wreck at this point. They were laughing so hard, they were almost all on the ground. It was just that point in the day, the slightest things were hilarious.

Finally, after about 15 minutes of them dying, their mother arrived and picked them up. With tears in their eyes, they climbed in and slowly calmed down. Vylad finished his homework for the week, Zane listened to music, and Garroth was watching Moana on his phone. Ziana smiled at her sons, and thought about how lucky she was to have such perfect angels. Then she got a call. She picked it up, and held it to her ear.

"Hi! This is Ziana speaking!"

"Oh yes, we are free, why?"

"For dinner?"

"Yes that sounds like a great idea!"

"Will anyone else be joining us?"

"Oh, thats great!"

"Alrighty! See you soon!"


She hung up, and drove home. She was quite the happy camper. She was having guests over for dinner, and they didn't get guests often. Zane and Vylad kept to themselves, and Garroth didn't ask for his friends to come over. Ziana didn't have a lot of friends, most of them were uncomfortable around Garroth anyways.

(Another timeskip!)

The doorbell rang, Ziana went to go answer it while the boys sat a little off, waiting for the guests to come in. Zane has on a black sweatshirt, jean shorts, and some socks with sandals. Vylad has a dark green shirt with the words-

"Im nerdy and I know it"

On the front. He has a light green scarf, and some skinny jeans. He has some socks but no shoes at the moment. Garroth, thinking outside the box, decided on much brighter clothes. He has a pastel rainbow shirt, with some ripped skinny jeans. He has some dark blue sneakers on, and chose his white and yellow flower crown.

(Okay someone please-)

Ziana had on a nice red blouse, with some black leggings. She had some black dress shoes, and a hed band that matched her blouse as well. She opened the door and smiled at her guests. She talked to them for a moment before leading them to where the Ro'Meave brothers were standing. Mrs. Zvahl, Laurence, Dante, Travis, Cloud, and Katelyn were there. Garroth ran up to Cloud, who quickly side glanced Laurence, daring him to ruin this night. Dante looked at Vylads outfit, blushing madly when he saw the words on his shirt. He looked away but went up to give him a slight hug. Travis stood near Laurence, not really wanting to make a move. Zane and him made eye contact a few times, but were both clearly too shy to start any conversation.

"Whats for dinner?" Mrs. Zvahl asked, exitedly.

"Steak, fries, and some rice!" Ziana replied, proud of her meal. Garroth clapped his hands, he loved fries! Laurence rolled his eyes, but no one noticed, so it was alright.

"Ooou, that sounds delicious!" Cloud mumbled, she suddenly felt rather hungry. Everyone hurried into the dining room, all clearly eager for dinner. Even Laurence was exited.

Wether dinner goes over well or not, tonight will be interesting no doubt, thats a given.


Are you proud? XD

I have nothing to talk about tbh, so see you in the next chapter!!


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