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Heeeey guys, its been a while...

Its been hard, just got done with testing, so I should be able to try and update more.


Shoutout to YkisBunny
Even though this person has more subs than me, she is really sweet. She is mainly an art channel, but its mostly gay so-


They all sat down at the table, Garroth, Ziana, Zane, Vylad, and Cloud on one side, and Laurence, Travis, Dante, and Mrs. Zvahl on the other side. They all had sweet rice, with some not too strongly seasoned steak fries. They also had some carrots, baby carrots, to be exact. Garroth LOVES baby carrots, and who can say no to his puppy eyes?

"So, how has school been?" Mrs. Zvahl asked.

"Good! I made a lot of fwends!" Garroth said, stuffing his face with rice.

"Its been okay, im really glad I moved here!" Cloud replied.

The others had very medicore responces, just being teenagers the mothers guessed. They were all excused from the table, and went up to Garroths room. (Per his begging and them all dragging Laurence)

Garroths room was so... cute!

Baby blue walls, with white star print. He had a ceiling fan that was shaped like a cresent moon. He had a light brown carpet, and a bed shaped like a spaceship. He jumped around his room and poited out everything. His toy box, (which was pink-) his dresser, (which had dinosaurs on it-) and his big stuffed bunny, who was named Shnuggle. He was so exited to finally share his favourite place with some of his friends! And Laurence!

"Do you guys liked it?" He asked, stopping his bounce for a minute.

"Its lovley sweety!" Cloud said, looking down slightly to meet his eyes.

"Its... childish as hel-" Laurence was then cut off by a "I SWEAR TO SHNUGGLE IF YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE I WILL PERSONALLY SLIT YOUR-" Zane was then cut off by a, "ZANE! SH!" Garroth looked back and forth for a minute, confused. Then he skipped off and sat down. "Truth or dare timeee!!"

Everyone sat down in a circle, Zane and Vylad still fuming from what Laurence almost said.

"Okay, Cloud, truth or dare?" Garroth asked, trying to look serious.

Cloud giggled, then said "truth!"

"Um... have you ever liked someone?" The blonde asked, he wiggled (attempted) his eyebrows at her, to which she burst out laughing. When she calmed down, she blushed and looked down.

"Yeah, for a little bit now." She replied softly. She looked thoughtful for a minute, then looked up. Garroth was staring at her while she spaced out, so they both giggled when she stired.

"Hm... Dante, truh or dare?" She turned to the blue headed boy, and smiled innocently. Oh ho ho, he should NOT have fallen for that act.

"Dare sweetheart." He said leaning in.

"Hm... not the best choice wiseboy." She said, leaning back. He looked stunned, which Travis and Laurence thought was hilarious. "I dare you to kiss the person you like the most in this room." She said, winking.

Dante went beet red, and sat up straight. He looked around until his eyes landed on a certain nerd, sitting across from him. He started to move, slowly, across the way to sit next to Vylad.

"S-so..." Dante mumbled.

"Um... yeah?" Vylad asked, looking at Dante. Vylad had put on his glasses, and with his head cocked slightly at Dante, he almost lost it. (Gay panic, I am very familiar uwu)

"H-how about I-I just..." Dante started. Everyone in the room was watching, just wondering what was gonna happen. Who knew that Dante of all people would be this flustered, after all, it was just a kiss.

Dante slowly leaned it, and kissed Vylad's cheek. Vylad jumped a bit, and fell backward. Dante jumped as well, but only because Vylad's reaction scared him. He helped Vylad back up, with his hair ruffled and his glasses crooked on his face, Dante just stared.

About 20 seconds later he zoned back in and let go of Vylads hand. He shuffled back to his spot quickly and cleared his throat.

"O-Okay... Travis, truth or dare?" He asked.

"Hm... dare." He said, flipping his hair. Zane rolled his eye at this.

"I dare you to... show us you search history." Dante said, smirking. His face was still red as can be, if you were wondering.

Travis blushed madly, but opened his phone. Zane's birthday was coming up, and he had been looking at masks. He showed everyone, and Cloud squealed. "BABY BROO, THATS SO THOUGHTFUL, MOM WOULD BE PROUD! OWO" She said. Zane narrowed his eyes, but eventually looked away.

"Alrighty, Garroth, truth or dare?" Travis asked the blonde.

"Dare!" He said, confidently.

"I dare you... to put on a skirt and shirt." Travis replied. He got glares from Vylad and Zane, but he really didn't care. To be honest, his man Laurence needed a new lover, he knew Kc and Laurence wouldn't last anyways. Also, he thought Garroth would look adorable in a skirt, I mean, have you SEEN the blonde?? Garroth nodded his head and skipped to his closet, turning the light on and closing the door.

After a bit he came out wearing a pastel blue skirt, with white accents, that went to right above his knees. He had a grey top, that was long sleeved, and went past his finger tips. He had on white stockings with pink stripes, and a pink star clip in his hair. He skipped back over and stood in the center. He did a little twirl and sat back down. Everyone awed at him, and of course took pictures.

"Okay! Laurence, truth or dare?" He questioned, turning to Laurence. He looked up from his phone, and blushed. Damn, Garroth did look cute... NO! Stop it! You cant like a stupid person like Garroth! Laurence thought to himself. "Truth" he said absentmindedly.

"What is you sexuality?" Garroth asked. Looking at Laurence patiently.

"Oh, easy one, bi." He said. Cloud gasped a bit, she never would have thought an asshole like Laurence would be anything but straight. Most people just shrugged, pretty much everyone that attended the school knew. He slept around to get what he wanted, that includes males and females. Nothing new.

Laurence looked around and his eyes landed on Zane. "Hey, One-eye, truth or dare?" He asked.

Zane growled a bit, then said "Dare"

"I dare you to..."


Haha, cliffhanger :>
So... I made it 1000+ words to apologize, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Its summer, so I SWEAR i will crank out chapters. :p

Also, join my discord server! It will have updates for wattpad, my youtube, and my insta!


See ya cuties next chapter! ❤

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