From the Foundry

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(Well this took a little while longer than I had imagined, but I really wanted to nail the writing for the Doom Slayer as best I could. Forgive the intermingled in-game lore, but I absolutely fucking LOVE Doom and felt it added a little bit more plot-wise. There are probably a few inconsistencies and errors throughout, so try to be mindful of that. I'm sorry that these two titans haven't quite met each other yet, but yet again I am trying to show how each one is going to written throughout. I'd also like to know who's perspective the next chapter should be from, so I'm hoping one of you guys wouldn't mind giving me your opinion. Hope this helps to start off spring break strong for you guys, Peace.)

There was a sickening squelch as the Slayer shoved the broken horn into the Baron's jugular. The beastly demon fell pitifully to the ground, life fading from it's eyes. The Slayer felt an icy sort of satisfaction at his handiwork, reveling in the moment of a successful glory kill. Killing demons in itself was easy enough, but making the means of death a tad flashy livened things up just enough to keep things interesting. Sure they weren't the most creative things ever, but what could one expect from a man who made it his life-long goal demon hunting. In such a repetitive line of work one starts to lose his creative edge.

In any case, he had an actual job this time. His secondary mission was to purge the mars facility of all demonic entities, but first and foremost came that crazy bitch Olivia Pierce. Opening a gate to hell was a serious complication, and one that couldn't be afforded if the Slayer ever hoped to cleanse the UAC's fuck up from this planet. It couldn't be helped that the human's working here had been betrayed by Samuel Hayden, but the least he could do was put an end to the project they had died for.

The Slayer pulled his super shotgun from the magnetic clamp on his back, refocusing on the path up to the Argent tower. He continued down the curved hallway, grabbing a data disc as he marched towards the endgame. An even narrower hallway greeted him, leading to an insignificant small room. Through the window was the base of the tower, and ,naturally, demons waiting for him. That's when the Slayer took notice of the bulky rocket launcher laying against a terminal. The faintest of grins adorned his face, perhaps this room wasn't completely useless. He wrapped his hands around the heavy ordinance, placing the shotgun on his back, and gave it a quick once over. The Praetor's scanners identified that it launched 15 inch high explosive warheads, contained a manual detonation feature, and featured a burst fire lock on mode.

While the UAC may have just about fucked their species, the Slayer had to admit that they made some good weapons. His previous introduction to their Heavy assault rifle and plasma rifle had definitely sparked some intrigue regarding the rest of their arsenal. Most of all about their Bio Force Gun he had caught wind of. The staff practically worshipped the damned thing, and the very vague description of the weapon only increased his suspicion that it was created from harnessed Argent energy. Very limited research showed that the security system surrounding it was insane, and that made it all the more worthwhile to obtain. This launcher would satisfy his bloodlust for now though.

Pulling open the hatch, he dropped into another worthless room with a single door. That too was torn open, and he finally stood before the base of the Argent tower. Hell's pure energy was funneled upward in a beautifully terrifying sort of way. His eyes followed the support structures for the energy conduit, finding a quick route to intercept Peirce. Perhaps maybe quick enough to arrive before she got anywhere near the tower.

A loud bellowing roar rose to greet this thought, determined to prove it wrong. A Mancubus lumbered forth from beneath the tower, it's massive girth shaking with it's strenuous movement. It let loose another roar and shook it's arm cannons in his directions, declaring battle upon the Slayer. He couldn't help but wonder why these small fry even bothered to try to stand his way. The Slayer had killed the mighty titan after all, and he had done so without the help of these UAC gadgets and his Praetor suit. But who was he to deny this creature a fight? Before the flabby demon could unleash its salvo of liquid hellfire, he loosed a burst of rockets at it's soft stomach, causing its combustible innards to ignite and the demon to detonate.

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