All Parties Concerned

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(Hello everyone, it's been a hot minute since I've last updated, and a lot has happened in the time I've been gone. I could tell you that it was my surgery that delayed this for so long. I could tell you that my soccer league held this off. I could even go as far as saying that I was busy farming Hunt Showdown for a 2 K/D. But we all know that it's because I'm a lazy cunt.
However, my new year's resolution was to be less of a lazy cunt, so this will be my first chapter of 2020. I will be releasing two new stories as well in the coming weeks for those of you who are tired of this story.

Shoutout to all my Commenters and new followers by the way.)

The hatchling was far stronger than she had predicted. The horde she had amassed fell swiftly at its hand, just managing to weaken it just as He arrived. The Slayer descended upon the remnants of her horde, shredding them with his fury. His infamy was well deserved, and the eye of his wrath was now turned upon her. Ancient as she was, she had allowed impatience to drive her like a flesh-starved imp, abandoning reason for action.

It was far too late to take back her actions, but there was more than enough time to correct her mistakes. The rift she had escaped through had led her and her few remaining followers into an underground network of man-made tunnels. She had blindly jumped through without knowing just where she would end up, all to avoid being pried apart by the Doom Slayer. Now it seemed she had made the right decision. Alone she stood little hope of killing even the fledgling, but there were others that she could call upon that were far more adept at combat than herself. A little preparation was required before she could begin summoning more warriors. She turned to her pitiful entourage of survivors.

The Nest requires fuel.

The largest of the warriors knelt before her, growling softly in compliance. Then the warrior barked at the other two, wasting no time in scurrying out of the main room She was in. They would retrieve exactly what they were asked, She knew this much. It was her own actions she was unsure of. Many denizens would kill each other over the chance to aid her with this plight, but most served different masters, and would just as soon kill Her as kill the fledgling.

A toothy smile filled her face as it came to her. Years of hibernation had almost purged her memories of him. If any were worthy of stomping out the fledgling and the master he served, it was most certainly her mate.


What the hell was with the laser light show in the sky, and more importantly, what took you so goddamn long to get here. You do have a ship after all. The Sergeant was none too pleased about the delay that the Demons had caused, and he was giving Chief a piece of his mind over it.

You even found time to make some new friends between crashing and the ass-kicking I wish I could give you Tin Man Johnson turned to the Slayer, running his eyes up and down the exterior of his Praetor. Just who is he anyway? The spooks send us one of their Grim Reapers to make sure I get off this rock? Johnson grinned wide, while Chief uncomfortably shifted the foot he was favoring. With Six down for the count, it was all on him to try and explain something he really didnt fully understand himself.

Im afraid thats classified information Sergeant. Cortanas blue figure appeared beside Chief, prompting Johnsons smile to get slightly wider.

"Well excuse me Ma'am, I was just wondering if I could get his designer's number. He's making the Green Meanie over here look like a sidekick." Johnson stepped closer to the Slayer, running a hand over his smooth chest plate. Cortana sent a warning his way.

"I wouldn't recommend getting on his bad side Sergeant." The Slayer grabbed Johnson above his shoulder, hoisting him off the ground with one arm. The Sergeant threw his head back in a hearty chuckle.

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