Headaches and Exposition.

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(Dear god was this one hard to write. No particular reason, but all these damn camping trips have really made me a bit lazier than usual. So, a few things to start off. One, I have re-read all my chapters, and I think they flow pretty well. I do think though, that a few could be drastically improved, and I'd like to hear what you have to say about that. Two, Master Chief will be a part of the next chapter, and I'd like to know whether I should write him as he is portrayed in the games and novels, or if you'd like me to try my hand at molding him in my own style while keeping things consistent. Last thing, I know these questions are boring as fuck, but I also have been pondering introducing the Elite shipmaster back into the story. It's more than just to have him in the mix, and he'd be a big part of Six moving on from his past. Now that my dissertation is done, feel free to read the sloppy work of a lazy piece of shit. Enjoy.)

Six held his face between his palms. His head was throbbing as he tried his hardest to process the level of crazy that had gone down while he was out of the loop.

"Stop." Six needed a few things cleared up before either AI or interdimensional traveler spoke any more. Both immediately shut up, giving him a few seconds of quiet. "First off, before we get into any of this crazy shit, why am I naked?"

The self proclaimed "D.O.T." giggled quietly and turned to the Slayer, who answered with a straight face that a naked human male should never have while conversing with another naked human male.

"I was instructed to remove everything before beginning a course of action." Six tried to keep in mind that the Slayer's thought process didn't work like his as he began his response.

"Okay, then why the hell are you naked as well?" D.O.T.'s giggling was getting a lot louder now.

"A transfusion was in order, and that hell spawn over there said it was important." The Slayer showed no signs that the situation bothered him in the slightest. Six was concerned a bit by this.

"So... you are always naked in that suit?" D.O.T. was absolutely dying now, causing the Slayer to lob a scalpel through her hologram with the force of a navel cannon.

"Yes. Why?" Six had to imagine that the inside of that suit had to be extremely well padded. Having your goods just hanging free in there had to be uncomfortable right?

"I know exactly what you're thinking. It's written all over your embarrassed face." D.O.T. chimed in now with a huge grin, inciting Six to let out a prayer that she wouldn't say what he was thinking. "I don't know how he packs all of into that tiny crotch plate either. Seems impossible."

"That's quite enough! Now I want to move as far from this topic as possible, so go over all that happened again."

The holographic women rolled her eyes, but gave into his request all the same, being as quick and obnoxious as possible.

"So from what the logs show, you pass out trying to be stoic and leave big man to go and kill a bunch of Covenant by himself. Big man redecorates the walls with their organs, then finds me. Boring me and big man have a conversation about leaving Reach, leading up to him plugging me into his suit. I become who I am now, and help that poor technologically-challenged soul over there take this Prowler. Covenant tries to stop us, Shiva missiles decimate a Cruiser, the muscle-head gets knocked out like a bitch, wakes up, performs a little surgery, I accidentally allow the blood of a minor god to become part of you, and then you woke up and pestered me 10 times to tell you what happened. Satisfied?"

Truth be told, Six had no easier of a time of accepting it than he had the first 9 times. Both excitement and terror had a hand on the reins, and were vying for control. The blood of a, what was the word again, god had become part of him. He was getting a headache at the concept. The Slayer brought more to the table than just his skills it would seem.

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