Extract and Lay back

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(What's up guys, inconsistent upload schedule here. I'll just get right to the nitty gritty, I think I need a break from this story for a bit. Writers block is a bitch, and I don't wanna force bad content where quality content should be. I won't leave you guys with nothing, It'll just be a different story for a little bit.

"We're coming up on our first pod, and I detect life signs coming from the structure beside it."

The Prowler hovered just above the steep rocky formations, just high enough to avoid crashing, but low enough to spot obvious signs of human survivors. The ship was also cloaked both to avoid visual and technological detection from the Covenant clean up squads that were sure to come.

"Any sign's of Covenant presence?" John was quick on the draw as always, eager to save as many men as he could. To his chagrin, D.O.T. made sure to take her time replying.

"I see no signs of anything scaly, so we should be good." The A.I. paused for a brief second, waiting for another inane question, before continuing on. " I'm setting us down beside the structure, and I want John to greet the survivors. Big man and Six, I want you two to stay here and try not to scare off the guests. Understood?"

The three organics looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

"Then prepare for landing."


The Slayer tensed as the ship descended, imagining the motion to be the beginning of another one of D.O.T.'s crazy ass maneuvers. This metal death trap contained bad memories, and the Slayer rescinded the idea of wanting to be in ANY vehicle he came across. He'd start walking if it meant he could get out of this thing faster, or god forbid there be another warthog for him to take.

The issue wasn't even really the ship, but the one who was in charge of it. D.O.T. was useful, sure, but he didn't trust her in the slightest. Had Six been flying, he simply could've punched him and threatened to pulverize his ribcage if he did it again. There was no threatening an A.I., especially one that had more control of your suit than you did. There was only the hope that she would see reason, or take pity. Being in control was kind of his whole thing, and having an artificial child at the helm was infuriating.

As the ship descended, the hell spawn herself decided to confront him up close and personal.

"Private channel?" D.O.T. exaggeratedly rolled her eyes and sighed.

"By now you shouldn't need to ask these kinds of questions. Anyway, I thought you'd like some company as we touch down, considering you'll be hanging back."

The Slayer could feel the fakeness emanating from her voice, and he wasn't in the mood for bullshitting.

"By now you should know that I dislike small talk." A knowing laugh followed.

"Fine. If you must know, I have found a few files that are quite fascinating within your suit. As you know, I am theoretically the most advanced artificial intelligence in this universe. That's why the few locked files of your suit intrigue me so. Not even I can access them. They all require a verbal confirmation from an undetermined person to open. You have any idea why that could be?"

The Slayer's annoyance gave way to interest. The suit hadn't been of his creation, so any files he would have been a part of would've been passively collected by the Praetor's sensors. That would leave any other files as property of the Wretch, but why would they need to be locked. Hell, why would they even exist?

"Furthermore, I have discovered that your turncoat friend is hiding something. A few files required finesse to find, but yielded information that may pertain to your existence." The Slayer was now entirely invested in what she had to say. "It would seem that the Praetor powered up sooner than he thought, because it recorded a conversation he was having with someone else. In said conversation, he mentions summoning as a last resort, and how he would have to mold the perfect weapon. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is about a 70% chance he is referring to you. The file is one of the first after all."

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