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(I'm just gonna preface real quick that I have indeed let this story die out for a bit. To catch you up to speed, my family uses a lot of tech to perform their jobs from home now that the Corona has fucked everything up, and my laptop is the only functioning computer in the house. This means I rarely get to use it anymore. On top of that, I have recently gotten a job that limits my time at home to write. I totally procrastinated though, spending a ridiculously long amount of time grinding Destiny 2 instead of being a good provider for my readers. Now onto things you care to hear.

I know I said this would be the chapter with action, and it kinda is, but next chapter is like a gore porn level of murder and mayhem, so look forward to that. Shoutout to @Silentarrow001 by the way, for reminding me that more than just Spartan lives matter and that we gotta look into bringing some ODST's into the fold, especially our near and dear Rookie. And on a final note, please give me your thoughts, opinions, and feel free to call me a retard for making you suffer over this long time period.)

"We're being overwhelmed!" "Multiple hostiles closing in, there's too many of the-"

"The engine room is taken"

"-mory. Under attack."

"What are these things?" "Help us." "We need reinforcements!"

Sisze felt a noose tighten around his heart as communication after communication came through, each one a cry for help, each one set amongst the discordant sounds of death and anguish from those around the soldier upon the comms. Bringing one of his swords around in a wide arc, Sisze beheaded one of those responsible for this chaos. Extending his other sword he skewered another, enjoying watching the life fade from it's eyes. The loud pounding of feet alerted Sisze to one of the larger ones approaching. He turned just in time to watch the large blade of a gravity hammer bury deep into it's neck, nearly decapitating it. Fallaeus ripped said hammer free, letting out a hearty laugh as he kicked the wriggling corpse to the floor.

A brief reprieve in the creatures allowed Sisze a moment to breath. His swords fell to his sides, hanging there loosely in his hands. The communications continued coming, bringing the Shipmaster to cut his connection to the channel. The silence was deafening.

"Friends of yours?" Fallaeus brought Sisze back, gesturing at the dozens of carcasses strewn about the hall. Although clearly enjoying the chance to kill, the Brute wore an expression of what appeared to be sympathy. "I've never seen anything like them."

"They are intruders on my ship, that is all I need to know." Sisze tightened his grip on his swords, fully prepared to find the next batch of the creatures that needed to be put down. "You should contact your vessel, in case they are experiencing similar problems."

"Already have. Everything's quiet." Sisze nodded. "There is little time for talk now Drazumee, surely these creatures have found their way to your prisoner by now.

A klaxon sounded in Sisze's cloudy thoughts. How could he be so thick headed? The Spartan was his absolute top priority, if the creatures freed him then none would make it out alive. And Kex, he had so foolishly assigned her to guard it. Stuck between these creatures and a Spartan, she was in the most dangerous part of the ship. Sisze quickly began down the hall towards his original destination, forgoing any grace or form as he booked it down the narrow corridor. If Sisze were not in a blind panic, he would've heard Fallaeus quickly gathering his pack before following his lead.

Sisze deactivated one of his swords, clipping it to his waist as not to accidentally perform a lobotomy on himself while activating his private comm channel. There was only one other who shared this frequency, and that was Kex. "Are you there Kex?" Slight static filled his ears. Sisze tried once more, meeting the same result. Perhaps he was too late.

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