The Trio Unites

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(Well despite the pain of both making Varsity soccer and hetting my drivers permit, I still managed this chapter. It's a bit shorter than usual, but I really wanted to leave off just where I did. I enjoyed seeing a few fresh faces in the comment section last update, and I look forward to everyone's take on this thrown together chapter. It is prone to change as I am finally gonna have some free time Sunday. Till then, enjoy.)

The mine laying had either gone spectacularly or terribly based on who you would ask. D.O.T. would tell you that the trip had gone swimmingly, with a few glancing blows being the only damage sustained. All mines had found their home out in space, and Covenant transmissions made it seem that they didn't realize anything had gone down.

Six would tell you that he had gained trust issues on the trip, nearly repeating the cycle he had had the first time. If it weren't for the Slayer wrapping him in a one armed embrace, he'd have had to go into a full body cast. D.O.T. drove like she was the only one in the ship, which was a huge issue, because she couldn't feel the vertigo and nausea he could. The Sahara-class Prowler was not designed to be a fighter or interceptor, so the barrel rolls, jack-knifing, and loops were not something the occupants were meant to endure. He'd probably have shot the damn console if he still had his gun on him.

The Slayer had realized how utterly fucked he was as soon as D.O.T. had started to accelerate the ship. At first he had needed her to navigate and pilot his way off of Reach which seemed reasonable. At the time she didn't seem too bad, just a tad whiney. Now he began to see that she would recklessly endanger his life as long as she believed her way was best. He couldn't simply take her out either, he had foolishly allowed her access to his entire suit. He was at her mercy, as absolutely stupid as that sounded. On a side note, he now had a fear of flying in spaceships.

Despite everyone's opinion, all were glad to watch the first drop pod come into view alongside the green grass and grey cut rock of the "planet's" surface. The Slayer had locked his suit as not to fall while his vision was gyrating, Six was emptying his stomach, and D.O.T. was grinning from ear to ear.

"Boys, we got him." D.O.T turned and "held" up an aerial photo of a green clad Spartan. "We're going in."


Hot plasma ripped through the branches around him, as John pressed himself against one of the tall pines for cover.

"We have incoming." Cortana's knack for stating the obvious shined through yet again.

"You're a little late with that." Chief took the pause in plasma fire as his chance to begin sprinting towards the next piece of cover, which would be a pretty large rock.

John could feel Cortana roll her eyes before she spoke. "Not Covenant John, we have a Prowler approaching fast, and it's sending me a transmission."

"What does it say?"

A loud explosion interrupted the answer, drawing the Spartan's attention to where the Banshee used to be. Scrap metal fell around the descending ONI ship, allowing for the loyalty of it's occupants to be ascertained.

"It says 'We're looking for John-177, and his A.I.' Awfully straightforward."

"Can you find anything out about the ship or it's crew?"

Cortana grunted and sounded a little concerned. "I can't even access the redundant systems. It's like they've put up a living firewall that adapts to my efforts."

"Sounds exciting. We shouldn't keep them waiting then." Now John had been around long enough to know that Cortana would give him the hands on the hips, motherly pose while lecturing him about how it was a bad idea. "Yes, I'll be careful."

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