Diana Timber and Plan

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Teresa's POV

"I honestly don't understand why you want your hair straight, it looks great curly" I tell Pomona. As I straighten her blonde hair. Lessons were over for the day and I was hanging out with my Hufflepuff friends. I still hadn't had the chance to read the book I'd borrowed from the library yet.

"I agree" Abraham states as he spikes his brown hair.

"Honestly I wish I was in sixth year, so I could learn to change my eyes colour. I hate my grey eyes" Eustace states.

"Same, my eyes look like mud. I wish they looked like chocolate, like my hair" Jack states.

"Honestly stop complaining you three. I think you all look great, you shouldn't change your appearance. Unless you're going undercover" I tell them.

"I just don't like how fuzzy my hair gets" Pomona states. I roll my eyes, she reminds me of Hermione and she used to always complain about her hair. "Besides, surely there's something you wish you could change about yourself" she adds.

"Not really, though I do sometimes wish I had curly hair" I state. "Done" I add putting my wand away. "Are you all sure, I'm allowed in here?" I ask them as I look around their common room. That they call the Hufflepuff Basement. Honestly it's what I thought a Hobbit hole would look like from Lord of the Rings. (Common room: https://harry-potter-sounds.ambient-mixer.com/images_template/b/b/a/bba58b4db46b209e2156b57ae0121809_full.jpg )

"It's fine, the prefects won't care" Abraham assures me.

"Won't care about what?" a female voice asks behind us. I turn to see a sixteen year old girl with fair skin, honey brown eyes, short curly brown hair with blonde tips. I notice the prefect badge on her robes. "Would you be Miss Potter?" she asks me.

"Yes" I say nodding my head.

"Well Professor Dumbledore is looking for you, he had the Gryffindor prefects look for you. But they couldn't find you and told us other prefects. I'm Diana Timber, by the way" she adds holding a hand out.

"Nice to meet you" I say shaking her hand. "Don't worry, I had my eyes closed and blocked my ears while they did the password" I assure her.

"It's fine, just as long as you tell no one else how to enter the common room" she assures me. "Now Professor Dumbledore would like to see you after dinner" she states.

"Oh you found her, I'll go tell the others" William says when he spots us. He leaves the common room.

"He's probably just going to make out with Susan" Eustace says rolling his eyes.

"You're just jealous as you don't  have a pretty girlfriend" Jack tells him.

"Why would I want a girlfriend? They're annoying and clingy" Eustace tells him. Diana, Pomona and I all glare at him. "No offense to you girls, you're cool" he says quickly and I roll my eyes.

"Oh and Teresa, if you have any questions about anything relating to plants of Helga Hufflepuff. I'd be happy to help" Diana tells me before leaving.

"She seems nice" I tell the others.

"She's ok, but can be strike about rule breaking" Abraham states.

"We should go up to the great hall, dinner starts in ten minutes" Pomona states. I nod my head in agreement and we all follow her. Once in the great hall I go sit with Bilius, the Prewett twins and Lyall.

(Slytherin common room after classes) Tom's POV

"So, where did she go when she left Study hall today?" I ask Avery. He, Mulciber and I are lounging in the common room. Yaxely and Rosier are our doing quidditch training. Lestrange was tailing Teresa.

"Library, you won't believe what she got..." Avery starts to say. Just then Lestrange enters the common room looking annoyed.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"Yeah, aren't you suppose to be tailing Potter?" Mulciber asks him.

"I was, she was with those hufflepuffs and they disappeared into their common room. I don't know the password and had to leave due to a hufflepuff prefect" he states.

"Very well, you are excused" I tell him and he relaxes as he sits down beside Mulciber. "You were saying Avery" I say looking at him.

"Oh yeah, she spoke to the librarian. Asking about true love, she actually believes it exists" he says chuckling. I give him a hard look. "Anyway, she wanted a book that would show her how to find true lover. He got her a book called the True Love Test, said she could have it until the end of the week" he states.

"Why would she want a book like that?" Mulciber muses.

"No idea, but I intend to find out" I tell them. Planning on a way to get my hands on that book. I'd read it a little first, then confront her about it.

"Oh and a letter arrived from Slughorn, he wants to have one of his lunches on Thursday" Avery adds.

"Good" I say nodding my head. Slughorn is one of my favourite teacher. I meet most of my followers at his parties. No doubt he'll have some new faces this year, I wonder if he'll try to recruit Teresa into his club. The other two returned and we all go to the great hall for dinner. I see Teresa sitting with those blood traitors again. I honestly don't know why she hangs out with them.


Picture above of Diana and picture on the external link of Teresa's uniform (Imagine the skirt longer). Dedicated to @StudioDia29 for the creation of Diana Timber.

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