First Valentine's Day

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Teresa's POV

We've back at school for a month and it's Valentine's day. It's a Hogsmeade weekend. Tom is taking me on a date. Our first official date and I can't find a thing to wear. "To frilly, to short, why can't girls wear pants in this time?" I grumble. Just then Pomona and Diana enter the room. "How and why are you both here?" I ask them.

"We're here to help you get ready for your date" Diana states.

"The twins let us in, don't worry we blocked our ears" Pomona adds.

"Thank you, I can't find a thing to wear" I tell them as I sit on my bed.

"I'll handle that, Pomona do her hair" Diana instructs. Pomona guides me to the vanity and I sit on the chair in front of the mirror. Pomona picks up the brush and starts to brush my hair.

"So up, down, what do you want to do with it?" she asks me.

"Half and half with a braid" I tell them. She nods her head and begins the braid my hair. Diana takes out a long sleeved full length brown dress.

"What do you think?" she asks me.

"It's perfect, thank you" I say smiling. She smiles and lays it on my bed. She then starts to paint my nail with clear nail polish. I was ready thirty minutes later. "Thank you both for helping me, go have fun" I tell them. They smile and leave.

I check myself one last time and head downstairs into the common room. "Hey Teresa, your date is here" the twins say smiling.

"He's outside" Bilius adds.

"Thank you, see you later" I say and leave the common room. To see Tom waiting for me on the staircase. "Hey handsome" I say smiling. I notice his in his school robes, but his best school robes. With his prefect badge on.

"Wow, you look beautiful" he says in awe.

"Thank you" I say blushing lightly. "Should we go?" I ask and he nods his head. We link arms and leave the castle. "So where to?" I ask him curious.

"Now why would I ruin the surprise?" he asks me.

"I promise to still act surprised" I tell him smiling sweetly.

"Nice try" he says tapping my nose. We arrive at Hogsmeade and he leads me to a cafe. It's cramped, steamy little place where everything seemed to have been decorated with pink frills or pink bows.

"Who told you about this place?" I ask him.

"I'm gonna kill Corban" he states.

"Now Tom, killing won't solve anything. He obviously wanted to prank you" I state. "But this is our date, we can do whatever we want" I tell him.

"Three broomsticks?" he asks.

"Three broomsticks" I say nodding my head. "But first, can I have a slice of your finest cake?" I ask the owner.

"Of course dear, on the house" she says smiling. She goes and gets it. She returns handing me a bag.

"Thank you" I say smiling and we leave. We go to the three broomsticks and get a booth. "So how are your lessons going?" I ask him.

"Fine" he answers as he looks at his menu. "I am going to do as you've suggested. As long as you remain with me, I can be good" he tells me.

"I love that, at least if I never return. I know future me will have a normal childhood" I state. "With me with you, she has no reason to go back in time. She can find a new love. It may not be true like ours, but she'll be happy" I assure him.

"Bet you were an adorable child and cuter baby" he says smirking.

"You'll never know" I tell him.

"Well if you stay here, you'll become your father's adoptive sister. Which means we'll be in his life and yours" he states.

"Even so, that won't be for many years to come" I state. "Lets focus on us and the present" I tell him.

"I like the sound of that" he says smiling. A waiter comes and we order our food along with a butter beer each. "Why did you ask for the cake slice?" he asks me.

"For dessert" I tell him.

"I can think of a better dessert" he says looking at me with lust.

"Oh no, none of that. At least not yet" I tell him. "We're both young and I'm not ready for that" I state.

"Hey, I can wait as long as you want" he assures me.

"Don't worry, when I'm ready you'll know" I assure him smiling. Out food arrives and we eat happily. Once we finished I take out the cake slice. He puts a piece on the fork holding out to me. I roll my eyes and eat it. "Delicious" I say and kiss him.

"You're right" he says licking his lips. I take a fork and offer him a piece and he eats it. "Tastes better on your lips" he tells me and I blush. We finish the cake and he pays for us. We then decide to go to the lake.

"I had fun, thank you" I say smiling.

"Have you been on a date before?" he asks me.

"Twice, with my ex-boyfriend. We broke up before I went back to school, but we remained friends" I tell him.

"Do you think your future self will end up with him instead?" he asks me.

"Maybe, maybe not. The future is not set in stone" I tell him. "My life will be different and so will I" I state. "Though there are a few people I hope I don't end up with" I add. "But I can't change her future, I already have by making you good. Ensuring you never become Voldemort, that changes everything. I won't be the same person I am now" I explain.

"I'm sure things will be fine" he assures me smiling.

"Cedric will be alive" I say out loud.

"Who?" he asks.

"A boy that died in my third year during the Triwizard tournament. He and Harry ended up in a graveyard where you returned to power after thirteen years. He died then, but now he won't die and Harry won't be a champion. The tournament might not even take place" I tell him.

"You said yourself the future is not written in stone" he tells me. "We can only pray everything turns out right" he states. "Lets go inside, you're starting to shiver" he adds. I rub my arms and nod my head. We go inside and go our separate ways as we both have homework.


Picture above of Tom and on the external link of Teresa's dress.

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