Second Valentines Day

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Teresa's POV

So I haven't felt well the last few days. I've also realized my period is really late. I think I'm pregnant and decided to find out. So it's a Hogsmeade weekend. It's also Valentines day. Which I promised to spend with Tom, but I have to know if I'm right. So I'm at a local healer shop, which was not around in my day. I would of seen the school nurse, but I don't want to risk the school finding out.

"Faline!" someone calls my name. I used my real name, to avoid others finding out. I stand and approach a medi-witch. "Follow me dear" she tells me and lead me to an examination room. I sit on the bed. "So what brings you in today?" she asks me.

"My period is late, like nearly two months late" I tell her.

"Ah and I take it you've had sex in the last two months?" she asks me as she writes on her clip board.

"Yes" I say while blushing.

"Ok, when was your last menstrual cycle? And when did you last have sex with someone?" she asks me.

"It was in the firs week of December, lasted five days. It was the 23rd of December" I answer.

"Have you been under any stress recently? Anything new in your life?" she asks me.

"I have NEWTs coming up" I state.

"You're a student?" she asks me.

"Yes, a seventh year student" I state and she nods her head.

"Ok, well I'm going to do a few tests" she tells me as she puts the clip board down. She draws her wand. "Please lay down" she instructs and I do so.

"Is that a Hawthorn wand?" I ask her.

"Yes, how did you know?" she asks me curious.

"Sort of a hobby of mine, learning about different wand woods" I tell her.

"It's my second wand, I got it after I became a healer. My old wand was second hand and was really worn" she tells me. As she does the spells non-verbal. "Well your suspicions are right" she tells me as my stomach glows and a faint fast heartbeat fills the room. "You are pregnant and the baby's heartbeat sounds strong" she tells me.

"I can't believe it" I say shocked as I look at my stomach.

"So there are a few options, adoption, keeping the baby, abortion" she tells me.

"I'm not killing my baby" I snap as I wrap my arms around stomach protectively.

"I meant no offense, it's just procedure" she tells me sheepishly. "So what do you want to do?" she asks me.

"Keep it obviously" I state.

"In that case you'll need a check up every four weeks" she tells me. "I can send your file to Hogwarts Hospital Wing. It'd be easier if you had appointments there" she states.

"Can't I just come here? I don't want the school to know" I tell her.

"But you'd be breaking school rules coming here when it's not a Hogsmeade weekend" she states.

"Wouldn't be the first time and I've never been caught" I tell her proudly. "Besides it's just until I finish school" I add.

"I don't know dear" she tells me.

"Please?" I plead.

"Very well, but if they find out I'll give them your details on the pregnancy so far" she tells me.

"Deal" I say smiling.

"Take it easy and try to afford stress as much as possible. Which I know will be difficult with NEWTs coming up. Try not to take potions for stress and don't inhale to many potion fumes" she tells me.

"Will do" I tell her. I thank her and book my follow up before leaving. I start to head for the castle to meet up with Tom. When I hear someone calling my name. I turn to see Tom and smile. "Hey Tom, I thought we were meeting in the great hall?" I say confused.

"So did I, but Lyall told me you left early this morning. How come you came here so early?" he asks me curious. "Before you answer that, happy Valentine's day" he says handing me a gift.

"Thank you" I say with a smile accepting it. I open it to see a necklace with an unusual pendant. "What crest is this?" I ask him curious.

"Slythendor, its a a hybrid name of both our houses and my new surname" he tells me proudly.

"New surname?" I ask confused.

"Well not official yet, but I am changing my name after school. I know Voldermort brings up bad memories for you. So I chose the name Slythendor for my surname and was thinking of making my first name Salazar or Apollo" he states.

"Apollo Slythendor has a nice ring to it" I tell him. "Will you put it on?" I ask offering it to him. He takes it and puts it around my neck. "Fits perfect" I tell him.

"You still haven't answered my question" he tells me. I lead him to the shack. "Why did we come here?" he asks me confused.

"So we wouldn't be over heard" I tell him. "I've been late and I came here early to go see a healer at the healer shop. We're going to have a baby" I explain.

"Are you serious?" he asks me shocked.

"Very serious" I tell him smiling. He picks me up and spins me around. "I take it your happy then?" I ask giggling.

"Beyond happy" he tells me smiling brightly. Suddenly I feel a strange pull and frown in confusion. "What's wrong?" he asks me confused.

"I feel something, a strange pull" I tell him. I head into the woods with him following me. We soon reach an arch way in a tree. It seemed to ripple in the window, like there is a transparent curtain flattering in the wind. "It feels magical" I state.

"Please don't touch it, what if it takes you away?" he asks me gripping my out stretched hand. I hadn't even realized it was reach for the arch way. I look between him and the arch way. This could be my only chance to return to Harry. But I'm pregnant now and what if me leaving turns Tom back into Voldemort?

"I don't know what to do" I tell him as tears fill my eyes. Suddenly I get a painful headache and scream. Clutching my head as black spots fill my vision. The last thing I hear is Tom shouting my name in worry.


Picture above of the necklace and picture on the external link of the arch way.

Tom Riddle Era: Faline PotterWhere stories live. Discover now