Return to Hogwarts

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Teresa's POV

Tom and I are on the train heading back to Hogwarts. With the same group as before. "So did you all have a nice Christmas?" I ask them.

"It was great" Bilius says smiling.

"I saw Hope and did what you suggested Tom" Lyall tells us.

"What colour were the sparks?" Tom asks him.

"Blue, I told her about magic and she agreed to keep it secret" Lyall says smiling.

"That's great" I say smiling.

"You sure that was wise? She is nine" Tom tells him.

"She is very mature and knows how important it is that this remain a secret" Lyall assures him.

"I'm sure Lyall wouldn't of told unless he knew she'd keep it a secret" Bilius states.

"We agree" the twins state. Just then the trolley appears and we each get something. The twins go back to their game of wizard's chess. The rest of the ride was peaceful. Once we reached Hogsmeade station Tom and I rode with his friends in the carriage. We started another story about our Christmas holidays.

We reached the castle and went to our separate tables for dinner. On the way to mine I greeted my other friends. Agreeing to hang out with them tomorrow. As it's Sunday tomorrow and we have no lessons. Just then the head girl approaches me.

"Teresa, you and Riddle are on patrol after dinner until Curfew. You take the east wing and him the west. Half way through your shift, you'll go patrol the north wing and he the south." she tells me. "Diana and Lee will take over just before curfew" she adds.

"Of course, got it" I say nodding my head. She smiles and goes to talk to Diana. I go back to eating my dinner. After dessert I go start my patrol. When I'm pulled into an empty classroom and kissed passionately. "Tom" I groan pushing him away.

"What?" he asks innocently and nuzzles my neck.

"We both have patrol" I remind him.

"Surely we can have a few minutes" he says looking into my eyes.

"As much as I'd love to, no. We have a duty" I tell him.

"Fine" he grumbles. "But tomorrow?" he asks.

"I promised Pomona I'd hang out with her and my hufflepuff friends" I tell him. Tom pouts and I hug him. "You could join us, you know" I add.

"Nah, some other time" he tells me. "But, promise to join me for dinner at my table tomorrow night?" he asks me.

"Deal, now go" I tell him. I go to leave and pulls me in for one last kiss. Before leaving the room. I giggle and go start patrolling the east wing of the castle. Ninety minutes later I switch to go patrol the north wing.

As I was patrolling I hear something and draw my wand. "Whoever is there, come out with your hands up" I state. Lee appears hands up. "Oh it's you Lee" I say relaxing. "Time to swap shifts already?" I ask.

"Yes" he says. We someone else approaching and he draws his wand. He gives me a nod and we turn the corner together wands lit.

"Relax, just me" Tom tells us. Lee sighs lowering his wand and I roll my eyes.

"Why are you here Tom?" Lee asks him.

"Came to escort my girlfriend back to her common room" he states wrapping an arm around me. "Ready to go beautiful?" he asks me.

"Sure am, see you around Lee" I say smiling. Tom then leads me away after Lee said good night. "How was your patrol?" I ask him.

"Couple first years out after their curfew, lost. So I lead them back to their common room and left" he states. "How was yours?" he asks.

"Boring" I answer. "But it seems like a quiet peaceful night at Hogwarts" I tell him.

"Yes it does" he says looking out a window at a full moon.

"I know a werewolf, he's brilliant. He was my old DADA professor, the best I ever had" I tell him fondly.

"From your time?" he asks.

"Yep, never thought I'd meet his father though" I tell him smiling. "I've meet a lot of people here, that are contacted to people I know in the future. People I've only ever heard about. Like the Prewett twins, my grandparents and many more" I state.

"You miss it don't you?" he asks me. "The future" he clarifies.

"I miss my brother and my friends. I lost many of them in the war though" I tell him.

"I'm sorry about that" he tells me.

"It's ok, you were a different person then and now that'll all change. I can grow up with my parents and brother. My teacher will still be alive with his wife to raise their son. Everything will change, I wish I could see it" I tell him.

"Would you go back? If given the chance?" he asks me.

"Don't know, as I said before. I would of in a heart beat. But now I have you and have grown attached to the people here. I didn't have a say in whether I came here or not. I might not get say in whether or not I return" I state.

We reach the portrait hole. "I'll see you tomorrow" he states and kisses me. "Good night" he says.

"Good night" I say and he leaves. Once he was out of earshot. I say the password and go into the common room. I go to my dorm and got ready for bed. I crawled under the covers and fell asleep.

A/N Future chapter titles:

First Valentines Day


End of Sixth Year

Summer Holidays

Start of Seventh Year

Halloween Dance

Christmas at Hogwarts

Second Valentines Day

Epilogue 1: Return home

Epilogue 2: Stayed

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