SmackDown & 205 Live - May 2, 2017

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The following day, Kenzie had slept in a little late cause she was engulfed in Finn's arms and didn't want to move because she was extremely comfortable. She's still in that half aseep stage at the moment and not in the mood to go anywhere. She lazily brushes her lips against his neck without opening her eyes. He stirs just a bit at the feeling and it just makes him holder her tighter. Her lips twitch into a little smile. That causes her to begin to place multiple kisses along his neck. She feels his pulse speeding up as he starts to come around. She settles on a spot and sucks gently. His eyes don't open, as he's keeping the closed for now as she continues. Finn does squirm a litle and swears quietly when she bites down gently.

"Usually it's me that's like this in the morning." He mumbles.

"Change of pace for the day." She says amusedly as she pulls away from his skin, running her tongue over the red mark to sooth it.

Next thing she knows, he's rolled over and she's under him. They both finally open their eyes and lock gazes.

"Morning Dev." She giggles softly.

"Morning indeed."

She laughs and runs her hands up his bare chest. "Makes up for being tired last night."

"It's a start." He says amusedly, and then she pulls him down for a kiss.

Her arms then wrap around his neck to pull him closer, while his hands rest on her hips. He groans softly as she pulls her arms back and slides her fingers into his hair instead, nails dragging across his scalp gently.

"Sami can wait a couple hours or so..." He trails off before intensifying the kiss.

She giggles against his mouth. "I'll be surprised if he doesn't start texting and calling soon." She says after they pull away, breathing hard.

"He's like the over protective brother."

"He'll learn eventually about how we are together." She laughs lightly which turns into a small gasp as Finn nips at the soft spot beneath her ear.

"Of course he will." He chuckles.

He starts to suck at that spot but she squirms away. "People are going to notice if we both have marks."

"Aren't you an expert at covering those up?"

"I can be but I know you'll make it freaking big." She makes a face.

"I do have a habit of that, don't I?"

"Mmhmm." She agrees.


"You're not sorry though." She laughs.

"Not really, no." He smirks.

"Vampire leprechaun." She teases. "Which, now that I think of it, isn't such a bad image." She adds.

Finn laughs and kisses her cheek. "Silly girl."

"One of the many reasons I love you." He adds.

"Love you too." She smiles and pops a kiss on his lips.

"So, I'm sure you didn't get me all riled up for nothing...." He trails off, giving her a look.

"One track mind." I giggle.

Her laughter fades away as his mouth covers hers in a hard kiss. She squirms when his hands tease their way up from her hips, bringing his shirt up along with them. Things escalate like always, clothes thrown as they're busy with each other. Once all that is over, they almost doze off in the aftermarh.

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