One. Obscene

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Hiyaaaaaaaaa guys! It's a new day, a new book. I wanted to write this book since a long time. This book has a description and if you still want to proceed, keep in mind that there will be offensive language (and possible smut), homophobia and mentions of sexual assault. So if you are sensitive to these topics, then I would suggest not reading my book. This is a BTS Vkook (V and Jungkook) fanfiction which will be 15-16 chapters long. Since all of my books are this long. Enjoy the ride!
Jeongguk's POV.
"Are you completely sure about this-why are you ruining the lives of normal people who just want to love, regardless the gender?" My annoyingly acceptable brother Seokjin, interrogates my decision that I impulsively made. I roll my eyes at the older causing him to raise his right eyebrow.
"I do not support or want to go near those animals...can't you see my point? They are men. And men don't shag up with their own freaking kind?! It is absurd and obscene. What is there to be sympathetic with?" I yell in disbelief. Why do people support those inhuman people?
Jin quickly covers his mouth and quietly mumbles a few apologies before getting up to go to his room.
You see...we both live alone. After that incident we both made a mistake to run away with our corrupted father's money, leaving mother behind to suffer from cancer. Yeah.
It was pretty dark back there. Father didn't initiate any assault or harm on her because he loved her to death. It was just me. Not even Jin. Me. You know why he did that? Cause he saw me wearing a unisex shirt, a freaking shirt that was meant to be worn by both genders. He called me names...he thought I was wearing that to my best friend's birthday to get laid with him.
So the next day, I woke up to a tied bed and my father's shadow. I was tied and laying on my back so I couldn't really see him. But I could feel the evil smirk in his voice. He hit me-spanked me to be clear. I wasn't homophobic before that. But then I realised that if he was so hostile towards me...having a relationship with a man would be worse in the same way. Jin tells me to forget about it.
It has been a year since that. But I could still remember when Jin saw and came from the window to stop father's hand from touching me furthermore. You know what he got in return? A punch in the throat. That was when we both had enough. The very next month; after Jin saved up enough money from his office job to buy a small apartment, later we moved out. Without even telling anyone.
I was an innocent eighteen year old, who never even experienced what it was like to have sex. But after that encounter, I hardened and roughed up my personality. My facade. I show that I am a strict, discreet, cold hearted and overall a stern individual but only Jin knows my weak side.
I am a dumbfounded, easily manipulated, soft and timid person. I hate that. I hate the world. Which is why I am going to take revenge on everyone. I want to make them feel the same pain as me. Make them realise that what they are entering is not good or acceptable in any way. I planned to go and ruin their lives.
I snap out of my thoughts as I enter the cafe and get hit by the alluring scent of coffee beans. Apparently a song along the lyrics of 'Girls like girls like boys do' was playing on the stereo. I scoff. Really? You could've picked something better. I sigh defeatedly and slump down on the chair next to me.
What I had not realised was that there was person sitting in front of me, tapping vigorously on his phone while throwing slurs like "Whore" or "Fag" to other people sitting adjacent to our table. I smile at his arrogance and cocky attitude. That was exactly what I wanted to do when I entered the sinful cafe.
"Hello?" I abruptly speak up, not trying to make a fuss while the other was infuriating with anger. He finally turns his front towards me to eye me up and down.
"You don't look like a fag. Are you one?" He pushes up his boxed and thin rimmed glasses. Come to look at the man he had a so called 'Badboy" appearance. His peachy-dyed hair covered half of his left eye as it was parted neatly at the middle. He was wearing a brow piercing and had an excessively long choker collar. His style was interesting to say the least. He was literally wearing all black. I had trouble finding where his leggings ended and where the shirt started. I found him out to be weird but hey...don't judge a book by its cover. Even though I came here just to do that.
"No. I came here to do the same thing as you" I cross my arms sternly as he chuckles deeply. Holy god. He has a manly voice. He might be pretty popular among the ladies.
"I see you have similar tastes as me-" "Well except your sense of clothing. It is pretty boring and peculiar" I scoff at him. Okay I admit that I was jealous of his looks. But dude. It is literally thirty degrees outside. Tell me this. Why are you torturing yourself that much?
"Excuse me?"
Suddenly two people come in the door, two men seemed to have interlocked their fingers tightly and were looking for a place to sit. This is my time to impress the other man. I stand up and pull the feminine looking one up by his collar. I side eye the other man who still had a grip on his so called 'boyfriend' and I yanked his hand off the boy's shoulder. I look at the now...horrified boy and grab his ear from my unoccupied hand.
"Listen dude, if you think that you are safe in here, you are never going to be given the right to live in peace. You know why? Because you chose this lifestyle. To be an animal and a disgusting piece of sh*t!"
I breathe in shallow breaths and leave his collar alone, turn around and sit back on my seat. The guy in black looked at me and cracked a smile. "You know what? You are not so bad. The name's Kim Taehyung and I am twenty three years old" He extends his hand for a shake. I look at him in expense and take his hand formally. He then stands and tidies up. 
"Sorry, I have to attend my friend's stupid wedding. But I would be glad to talk to you tomorrow at the same time" He pats my shoulder and leaves suddenly.
"Jeez. He looks pretty cruel for a human being. Then again, who am I kidding?" I look over to the couple I had just messed with. The boy which I picked up from the collar was weeping while the other held his hand in comfort. I smirk at the pair.
"Sucks to be you"
I shout at the couple who later got up and left the cafe. Everybody looked at me with an intimidating glare. I decide to leave as well since there was already another fight going on, on the other side of the cafe.
This was fun. I would come again.
Hiyaaaas readers. My hand is done with life 😂. I'm so exhausted. But give me feedback. Do you like it?
Bye readers.

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