Thirteen. Vigour

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa gays! I feel like I'm immortal! Okay that was cringe, never mind my existence as I crawl into myself full of epitome and crippling depression. I'm okay. Anyhow, let's go shall we?
Taehyung's POV.
*Six Months Later*
Why do all of my lowlife friends think that I am secretly into guys? Especially with my best friend who has been with me through thick and thin.
"Why is there a rumour between all of you guys that me and Jungkookie are...possibly together?" I scoff as I look down at the dining table.
Yoongi had been rolling his eyes from the very second I denied the rumour...which was lucidly not true. Yeah he was my first friend ever that I may have made but that doesn't mean I like him. I mean I'm not trying to be homophobic, nor I will ever revert back to that.
It's just that it bugs me to see Jungkook getting mad whenever they bring up the topic.
Hoseok and Jimin looked at me as if I'd made up the stupidest excuse ever, even though IT WAS TRUE that there is nothing but platonic and brotherly love between us. I groan loudly at everyone. Even Jin and Namjoon were whispering mischievously into each other's ears whilst snickering uncontrollably-forget about that my f**king ROOMMATE thinks that we both are realistically together.
"You do actually know that we're gay right? Your roommate and I both know that there is something more than just 'playful' sexual tension between you too" Jin sassily says as Namjoon backs him up by saying "Amen!" And that was probably the most sappiest crap I've ever seen. I'm SO going to tease him about it when we go back home. 
"And I may be asexual-but I do know that 'best friends' do not stare at each other's lips or check each other out like you two do. To be honest, don't tell your 'friend' but he always checks you out WHENEVER your attention is diverted to something else...promise me that you didn't hear it from me, or I know him...he'll chop my tongue off. Ugh"
Yoongi shivers at the thought of Jungkook dragging him through his own house and punching him in the face a million times.
It's not like it's never happened before. Although Yoongi is the scariest out of everyone in our friend-group, I do know for a fact that a fuming Jungkook is not the best person you'd want to talk to. One time some jerk came up to me and said that I was 'outrageous' for holding Jimin's hand.
Believe me, when I say that my bunny literally pushed the dude against the glass railing of the mall on the fifth floor, he really did. It didn't went good though, we were pulled out of the mall. Everyone (by that I mean our whole friend group goes to the mall's normal okay?) was groaning at him at that point including me.
"It's normal for us to get lost in thoughts guys! Maybe he just gets carried away-" "Whilst he looks at you like he's going to give you a hickey in front of everyone's eyes? Then I don't think that's the case here Taehyung" Jimin ruffles Hoseok's hair as they both get up from the table to go sit on the couch for their daily cuddle.
I hate that I used to think so lowly of Jimin. I literally made him break up with his past boyfriend back when we both were at the orphanage. I really was a horrible person. I even humiliated him in front of everyone at the cafe. I am thankful to say that Jimin had a heart of gold as he accepted me into his arms as his friend.
On the other hand Hoseok-I found Jimin in Namjoon's room, only to be doing questionable things with Hoseok. I cannot believe that Namjoon ever let Hoseok in to have sex in my room. I guess you can't really trust anybody. I still shudder badly at the memory of Hoseok moaning Jimin's name in my FREAKING HOUSEHOLD.
Hoseok opened up to me after a span of few days after he started dating Jimin...and now we know him as the forever 'sunshine' of the group. I guess people do change. I can always see the smile on his face whenever his boyfriend enters the room. Jimin really helped him get out of depression.
Yoongi just....I don't know how I got him into this. I quit my job to work with Jin and help him with the restaurant. It did mean that I had to abandon my whole life career but I always loved his company. His dad jokes are funny. I don't really give a damn what anyone says.
Anyways Yoongi and I argued for the whole day; He thought that I was ruining my life plans but when I introduced him to Jin over a dinner at the restaurant, and he really liked the older-they strangely had the same tastes. Later Yoongi also gave up the position that he was in to become a music composer. Which weirdly enough was fitting for him.
Amidst all this, here I was...the happiest person alive. Jungkook did really promise that he wouldn't let go of me till the end. I have to say that he really did not lie when he exclaimed that "We are together till it's endgame" and it's just...I could go on but I want to enjoy the ride.
"You daydreaming about Kook or something? I told you guys that he mumbled his name while he was sleeping!" Hoseok beams at me with a knowing expression as the others gasp in unison. I roll my eyes as I signal everyone to eat there food instead of wasting their time.
"Stop fantasising about unrealistic things people! Now if you excuse me I have to text Jungkook to see if he's alright. I thought he'd be here soon, I'm worried" I frantically rush to my room.
"It's only been five minutes since you last called him. How do you expect-" "Shut up!" I yell back at the mess that I call friends. I sigh at the incoherent chuckles and laughs escaping from the lounge.
I unlock my phone and make a call. He said that he'd be the first one to arrive.
"Why are you so full with vigour?" I get startled by the booming voice behind my ear and stumble onto the bed. I hear the infamous chuckle and my mind lights up with familiarity. That's my Jeon Jeongguk. I get up and brush my clothes, even though there was no dirt evident on them.
"Why are you so late?" I cross my arms and pout...knowing that Jungkook will give in. He sighs and apologises a thousand times before hugging me tightly. This was our thing. To others it seemed weird and a little bit too close to comfort, but for us it was surprisingly comfortable and normal.
After latching onto each other for almost a whole minute, we pull apart all too quickly. "I missed you over the coarse of these three weeks. Finally I'm back...did you know that I am coming directly from the airport? I didn't even get to change because of you!" He juts his bottom lip out dramatically.
Yes, he went to Busan for his family-well his father passed away. Even though he was abusive, he still was his father. If I were him, I'd do the same. I'm glad he wasn't like any other typical whack who doesn't show up at their parent's funeral. Jungkook is more than that.
"Well I'm glad you're here because they were back at it again" I give him the knowing look. He groans as he grabs his hair with frustration. "I swear if-" "Hey! Don't sweat, you know that they're lunatics. They make up these unrealistic fantasies and it's just...forget about them. Let's go get you some food" I drag him outside.
"Hey guys?" He says somewhat sarcastically.
Yoongi looks up at him from his phone and chuckles deeply. "So you practically hugged him for an eternity, said your wishes and all...but you're salty with us? Wow" Jin says with extreme sadness lacing his voice.
Jungkook frowns and goes up to hug his brother. "I missed you too, big bro" Jin laughs at the immaturity of his younger but still twenty-year old brother. Jungkook then high fives Namjoon and well...lays on top of Hoseok causing the sleeping couple to wake up with terrific facial expressions on their faces.
"I miss my family" He says.
And I couldn't help but bite a smile back.
That's all. I swear no one reads this book. Why am I trying so hard? Well I don't care. If they haven't read's their loss. *flips hair dramatically*
Bye readers!

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