Fifteen. Rigid (Smut warning)

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys! I usually don't write 'hardcore' smut and all, but I want you to know that I'm terrible at writing smut as well. Thanks for tuning in for today. What am I even saying. Anyhow.
Taehyung's POV.
"Tae is top then? Wow I didn't even believe him for a second..." Jin scoffs at Jimin who laughs along with Namjoon on how they did not expect Jungkook to be 'the submissive' type of guy. To be honest...that's completely a false accusation. Since the day I developed feelings for the boy I could tell that he would be the 'controller' per se, but it seems to me that Taehyung thinks that I'm older, which is why he doesn't really take over me in a way I would want him too. So I do the worst thing that you can do to a boy who has a daddy kink. Yes, a daddy kink.
I become the brattiest brat ever.
*Time skip...*
"Jungkookie! Yesterday i saw a REALLY hot dude and...what can I say? I'm a flirt and I couldn't help but imagine him as you so know" I trail off.p, making him clench his fists in rage. Great.
A point for Taetae.
Although Jungkook has great patience. He was not going to give in that easily. Which was one of the reasons why I fell in love. I just want to work for it. It may seem a little less sappy and lovey dovey, but it turns me on when a guy has a rigid and sour attitude.
Or maybe those are just my masochistic tendencies.
I try another approach. "Jungkook! Did you know that everyone thinks I top? Well you got to prove them wrong with something at least...don't you?" I say with a tangy tone. If there's one thing I'm good at; it's acting.
Jungkook once again stiffens a little bit but then goes back to scrolling through his phone with extreme boredom. Okay, I had enough. I decided that I would just say it. I'm too horny for this sh*t.
"Jungkook. I want you to pound me against the wall" I shakily let out a string of words. Jungkook looks up from his phone for a split second.
"Are you're the-" I cut straight to the chase by throwing his phone away and straddling his back "Yes I know I'm older but I want you to control me. Besides...I always wanted to be spanked by my daddy. Will you grant that wish for me?" And that has to be the most humiliating thing I've ever done to destroy my dignity. It's all or nothing.
"Strip then"
I get trapped in a daze as I feel his hands pulling away from the small of my back as he observes my movements very intricately. After a while I understand the situation as I slowly take of my sheer white flannel and lower my trousers. His hands quickly stop when I reach my underwear.
I quickly do as he says. Even though I have never had a partner who was into bdsm...or did I ever have a partner at all? I oblige to his commands as I had done a bit of research on the topic before crawling up to his bed and seducing him.
I knew what I had to do.
So I stop my actions and sit idly in front of my lover, as he takes of his clothes, pants and shoes but also leaves his underwear on.
"On your knees and hands, turn around on the floor" He grunts with extreme pleasure. I do as he says and turn around. He puts something in between my underwear before counting from three.
My knees get wobbly as I saviour the pain remaining on my cheeks. I never knew he was that dirty. I never knew that he would put my phone in between my underwear and my left cheek before spanking it.
"Ahh! Th-thanks Daddy" I say, knowing that a dominant partner always need appreciation and praise for their actions. I can hear him chuckle amusingly before returning to his normal state again.
"Okay, I'm going to slowly pull down your underwear...and this is my first time having a role of 'daddy' or even having sex...don't mind if I say something cringe worthy alright?" I laugh at his awkward statement before nodding.
He then remains silent and I feel insecure. What if I just drive him away? Does he not like my body? What is wrong with me-
"Ah-oh" That's when I realised that his raw length was going into mine. At first I gripped at the wooden floor tightly, but was soon calmed down by Jungkook rubbing his hands up and down my back and ruffling my hair.
"It's okay's going to hurt a little" He says whilst continuing to rub my back.
Soon enough, it turned into bliss and pleasure and I screamed sinfully at the top of my lungs. However, to my surprise he stuffed his fist into my mouth and whispered seductively into my ear which sent me shivers afterwards.
"Let's play a game huh? You won't moan until I say so, if my baby does then consider it a punishment as I will come in front of you and you will not come...because you'll have a vibrator up your ass. If you come after me touching myself, then I'll put the vibrator further up a notch"
I hesitantly nod but deep down I knew that I wasn't going to survive. After a minute of thrusting he comes into my hole and unexpectedly licks it, causing me to edge. Oh he so knows what he's doing.
When that doesn't work on me, he further goes to pull out a random belt and places it upright and horizontally. He stands there and looks at me with intense eyes.
"Ride the belt"
Oh god.
I put my hands in front of myself as I get up, but it's Jeon Jeongguk everybody! He swats my hands away and gives my body a compliment.
"You're beautiful baby, how are you hiding this much of your beauty?"
"Jungkook..." I melt at his choice of words as he laughs and adjusts me on top of the belt. "That's a good boy" He signals me to slides up and down.
I shyly repeat his words in actions. Gently moving up and down the leather, feeling my body twitch at the sensation. Although it wouldn't be my first choice, but seeing the look on my partner's face made me want to slide up and down faster, but he stops me when I start to do so.
"No. Don't. You do as I say" He says in a unexpected deep voice. It was deeper than mine. Which is (by the way) very impossible for someone to have.
As I went slower, I had the urge to moan. The feeling was gradually building up inside of me as I kept it in whilst a tear slipped out of my ear. I feel restrained yet so good. Who would have thought?
After one minute, I orgasmed all over the place. Jungkook took it as a sign for me to stop and held me by the waist. I expected him to tell me to ride his d**k or something but instead he took me to the shower and rinsed my body of sweat and semen.
"How was it? Was I too harsh-"
"Can-can you we go for round two? I mean if you want too...that is..." I cunningly make a sad face as he kisses away my pout. He then closes the shower head and nibbles on my ear, causing me to accidentally moan, mainly because it was my weak spot.
"Did you like it? Was I that good for your pretty little ass? Daddy's going to give-"
Suddenly the door opens and I rush towards it with a towel, signalling Jungkook to hide. He looks at me with a shook expression before shutting the bathroom door.
I open the door slowly, and it obviously was Yoongi.
"Gosh I'm trying to sleep will you keep it down with your kinky crap? Mannnn..."

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