Twelve. Obviously Joking...?

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys! I'm sorry I haven't updating since...a month? I'm sorry? Forgive me?
Jeongguk's POV.
*Time skip*
"Namjoon literally peed pants when we came in and congratulated them in the middle of their date!" I laugh maniacally whilst hitting the stirring wheel. What can I say? They really had hilarious facial expressions when we came in the cafe and slid in front of their seats.
"And your brother...he was about to throw the nearest object at you! Thankfully we congratulated them even before they could do anything else. Although I can say that your brother is way more interesting than you" He says as flips his long imaginary hair back and slides down on the passenger seat.
"Well I am sure that my brother won't tolerate you!"
"And I'm also sure that he isn't a child like you-"
"What does that mean?" I say as I hadn't already known that about myself, and pout intentionally. He rolls his eyes and turns the music volume up.
"You know that what you just did was already childish in itself? And you may also be aware that we're literally going to a yogurt parlour to buy you some 'banana' flavoured yogurt cone. Anything else I should add? Oh also the fact that you get shy when you have to change in the room with someone else. Like...dude I'm not gonna bite" He puts his hands up in surrender as I keep giggling without a purpose.
Come to think about it, I really have opened up to him in a span of three weeks. I observe him as he looks out of the sheer tinted window and hums the tune of the song that had been currently playing on the radio. I cannot help but suppress a smile back as I look at the man next to me humming in such a low and beautiful voice.
"You have a great voice. Why don't you sing for me?" I say quietly, making him snap his head towards me in shyness. "First of all, do not compliment me. Secondly my voice is know when you have a fever in which your throat is sore and your voice comes out all monotonous like? Yeah...I think not" He scoffs as he leans back, relaxing his muscles and taking a deep breath.
But being a stubborn brat...I still keep pushing him. "No! Don't say such crap. I know that someone is good with singing just with their humming and ability of jamming along to music. You sir, should be perusing a music career" I look ahead at the road, trying not to make eye contact after I basically praised a man who was sitting beside me.
"Still...that not going to work Jungkook" He says with sheer attitude and sassiness. I groan. If this was not going to work, then I may have to do it another way. Plus the destination was near too...I had to hurry up. I puff up my chest and look at him when the stop sign is red.
"Listen here, you are going to sing or else I'm going t omake you sing. And you shouldn't get on my nasty side...because if you do, I won't control it" I whisper into his ear, noticing the shift in body language and seeing him visibly shaking, I smirk and settle down on my own seat, damn why did it feel so nice? Jeongguk, stop with the creepiness.
I shake the remaining thoughts off as I sit in silence. Knowing that I might have blown my chances with our friendship. But unexpectedly a melancholic voice rings my ears as I grin at the source of which it's coming from.
"Deeper...and deeper, the wound just gets deeper. Um...pieces of broken glass that I can't reverse-ah that was crap!" He ruffles his own hair in embarrassment and i signal him to keep on going. Man he had an amazing voice. He looks at me with a stoic expression before continuing the song.
"Deeper, it's just the heart that hurts every day. You who was punished in my who were only delicate and fragile to me" He ends it off with an incredibly high vocal. I remain frozen on my seat as I did not know how to react at the sudden talent of his.
"Was I that bad?" I clasp my hand around his mouth. "Nononnono. You were so awesome, your voice has just the right tones of both high and low and it was exhilarating. was good. Yeah very good..." I trail off in-spite of saving the situation.
Once again, he unexpectedly chuckles at me failing at speech. If it were someone else, I'd probably have spun their head or broken their jaw. Taehyung is too pretty for that. Wait-I'm not even going to mind anymore. I sigh and take in the beauty of the beautiful sin sitting next to me. His plump lips, glowing caramel skin, coffee coloured eyes, silky parted peach hair, his overall seductive and alluring yet intimidating aura-
"Want to take my picture daddy?" He says with extreme mock but to me it felt like a personal freaking attack. Am I hearing right? Probably not at this point. He bites his lip...then starts to snicker uncontrollably. "I'm obviously joking! Hurry on...We're here at your favourite 'yogurt parlour' I assume?" He dismisses the conversation by attempting to unlock the door.
I sigh as I unlock the door myself and he scurried off into the parlour. I don't know what had happened. I don't know if I'm dead or if I've lost ability to hear things right, I don't know why Kim Taehyung said that.
I don't know anything.
I sigh as I enter the parlour. My thoughts let loose inside my head. I decide to not think about it for now. I'm so whipped for you Kim Taehyung. I wish you knew that.
"Oh i know"
He winks and walks away on his heels.
So I'm assuming that he's also a mind reader now? This day couldn't get any more confusing. In fact I got so confused that my 'confused state' doesn't even know how to react confused at this point.
"You coming Jungkookie?" He waves his hands in front of me. I look at him with a bewildered expression before flashing him a genuine smile.
"Let's do this!"
How was it? I think it was meh...but you know. I want constructive criticism I guess?
Bye readers!

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