Four. Rage

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That's it. Yep. I'm not going to write a long author note once again. Enjoy!
Taehyung's POV.
"Let me go. You cannot control my life-" "I can. That's why I'm not allowing my roommate that I care about to go to that cafe today" Namjoon wipes his hands off with a paper towel and rushes to the front door to take the key out of it. I sigh as I sit down in my office clothes.
Rage. That was the only emotion in my mind right then. But I decided to cool off.
Before I hear a slam of the bedroom door, I hear Namjoon's faint voice saying "And also my brother is coming today as well. Please behave because he said he'll bring a guest from university with him!" And THEN the door slams shut.
My mouth gapes open with shock.
Freaking Jung Hoseok is coming today? Great. No I'm good. I just need the time to have a full existential crisis. I am scared and terrified of the dude. Yes, he may be harmless and bubbly but trust me once I pissed him off by throwing him a middle finger and that day I might have gotten scars on my face from him slapping too hard.
Anyhow...I am going to change or else Namjoon will throw a slipper from his room to mine-if I am not ready in time for his brother's arrival.
I enter my room and close the door behind. I shout "Wow! This is going to be so much funnn!" And I hear something hit the door. Ahh it must be the 'slipper flying towards my door' that I told you about.
As I open my closet to find a sustainable piece of clothing. You know, because every single piece of clothing item I have has a profanity written or made on it and trust me when I say that I don't want the dude to be in fumes once again.
Ten minutes later...
I finally agree on wearing a red holographic jacket over a simple black shirt. Mind you the black shirt was from Hoseok so I wish he won't kill me and spare me because of this lifeline. I jolt up in terror as I hear a loud knock on the door. Followed by a familiar bubbly voice which I explicitly explained to you earlier.
"Open up. We are here!"
I huff as I open the door to expect him latching onto his boyfriend Park Jimin but...let me tell you, I was so wrong. My eyes widen as I look behind Hoseok who seems to be complimenting my clothes for the past one minute, to see a familiar coconut-head. He had been wearing a loose white shirt with plain light blue jeans. It's the same guy that I meet everyday in that cafe!? He studies with Hoseok? I better be quiet about this with everyone or else they will both kick us two out of the apartment building.
"Hey!" He excitedly says as he casually pushes past Hoseok. I was in shock before but now I am in sheer disbelief and plain sadness because why and how is he still alive after pushing Jung Hoseok that calmly? I know for a fact that I might have gotten killed by the frightening redhead. Well...fake redhead since he dined his hair red and now claims to have had it all along.
Then I think that how is Namjoon an older brother of that creature? They both are totally the opposite. But I guess I should not judge a book by its cover. Which is ironic for me because I always do that. Out of nowhere Namjoon slides next to me and nudges me to speak.
"Me? Oh-uh-hi you guys. How are you Hoseok and jeon-I mean what is your name again?" I try to act dumb but clearly Jeongguk doesn't get the clues and says "You don't remember me? I'm from the cafe" He says as he flashes a bunny smile which I find cute. Cute. Not sexually or something. That would be hostile of me.
And well crap. So much for hiding the truth.
After half and hour of explaining to Namjoon in a separate room, he finally leaves and calls Jeongguk inside so he could get company.
Jeongguk comes in and comfortably sits down on the floor. "Uh no it is-sit on the bed instead" I stutter out a string of words which the boy surprisingly understands as he gets up to brush off and sit on the bed.
"Hello again. I didn't knew that you were related to my best friend's brother in any way" He says in his usual cold and chilling voice. I scoff in annoyance. "Well I did not know that you were related to my roommate's brother too!" I stomp my foot on the floor to make him feel intimidated but he just laughs it off like it's a joke of some sort. I roll my eyes at his immaturity. Doesn't he know that I am the older one here?
"Sorry sorry! It's just that if you think that what you were doing will scare anyone in any sort of way then...good luck sweetie" And...again with that cringe worthy nickname. Is he sure that he isn't a fag or something? I flinch backwards at the name and he takes it as a way to stop teasing.
"So, it's a coincidence that we both didn't go to the cafe today. I didn't go since Namjoon has a problem with it and even though it's my life, he still finds a way to guilt trip me"
Jeongguk nods in assurance. "My brother who lives with me also lectures me every time I go out because he thinks that 'it's their life' or 'what are they doing to you' and other bullishness that I can't handle sometimes" He cracks his knuckles in a childish manner, pulling one finger at a time and I cannot help but smile to myself at the stupidity.
After a safe amount of silence, I speak up. "Hey, I have an idea. Let's-" "Sneak out the window so we could go to the cafe? If that's what you were about to say then yes, I'm with you on that one" He jumps up and down in excitement and adrenaline as I tie my shoelaces and observe the younger.
It is kind of scary actually. He really does resemble a bunny. But his mind is completely different; it's mature, serious and philosophical. It makes me weirdly want to know more about him. The dude is interesting. I still cannot wonder why he doesn't have two girls in his bed every night if he really is studying in a coeducational university.
That is not my business but it bugs me too. Then again, I'm glad because if he had a girlfriend, she would probably stop him from coming to the cafe everyday.
So in the end it's a win or lose situation. I snap out of my thoughts as he snaps his fingers next to my eyes, making me almost slip backwards. He chuckles in disbelief. "You sure you can do this? I mean you got scared by me-" Before he could continue...I parkour-ed my life out as I jumped down from my fifth-floor window.
I looked behind and gave a middle finger to the younger. Who just rolled his eyes and also got down from the window. I swear I could see him mouth some words. Something along the lines of..."It's on" And to be honest. I could get along with him.
How was it? Good? Bad? I feel like the comments are ghosts. I can't even get to know your opinions so please comment down below for feedback.
Bye readers!

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