Three. Terrific

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my peers or if you're older than me, then hyungs or unnie-ugh this is just plain koreaboo cringe. Anyhow please enjoy. I also want you to look out for the chapter titles 😉 in case there is an Easter egg.
Jeongguk's POV.
"So I actually made out with the fag's 'potential' girlfriend and forced him to come out as a monster to the world" He says enthusiastically.
After just an hour of insulting other people around the cafe, we sat down to talk. Well...basically it was just him talking to me who was just listening to his soothing and deep voice. He really has got some great genes from his ancestors. I sigh as i listen and smile at his attempt to force a boy's coming out in high school.
I wish I was as confident as him. He really seems like he doesn't give a penny about anyone else in the world. That is a positive attitude in terms of mental health. On the other hand, there's me. Who has deflated self esteem and never in his life he had found peace in the world.
Coming here was a better decision even though I had to fight with my persistent older brother. Eh...he'll get over it.
"You haven't told me anything else. Do you have a lucky girl with you?" Taehyung suggestively raises his eyebrows and I playfully kick his legs under the table. He chuckles once again with his deep voice.
I smile at him professionally. I really have to stop skipping university for coming here but it feels like a stranger gets my dynamics for the first time. Plus it only has been a week since I first stepped into this cafe.
I crack my knuckles in embarrassment "I never really had a girlfriend-I never really kissed someone before" I mutter almost inaudibly but somehow he has the ears of a bat and he catches onto it.
I raise my eyebrows in confusion as he leans over the table just to whisper.
"Don't worry. Can I tell you a secret? I am also a virgin. I may not look like one. But I'm actually really scared of that much commitment, for someone to you know...see me naked" He says it with a poker face that I cannot help but to laugh.
"What? I swear I'm telling the truth!"
He pouts and puts his chin on the table. I amusingly stare at him. Is this guy bipolar? One second he's all serious with his deep voice and the other being him pouting and whining about the stupidest things in a high pitched voice.
As I start to speak, he puts his hand on my mouth.
"I know what you were thinking. And no I'm not bipolar. I just am a childish person when people get to know me. I don't open up to strangers that easily so you should be lucky my dude" He rolls his shoulders back and leans against the chair.  Okay it was going alright until he just said 'dude'. I hate that word so much but I try to convincingly smile just for the possibility that I may or may not get abandoned by him if I protest against what he does.
He speaks up once again like it was the most obvious thing ever. "If you don't like me calling you 'dude' you can just tell me, you know?"
I scoff at his mind reading. Is he a secret psychic or what? I might have to think discreetly from now on. Wait. Thinking discreetly? Is that even a thing? My mind hurts. Again, he bursts out laughing abruptly.
"I can tell what you're thinking about just by your face! Try to be less expressive next time-you know what? I love people who express themselves. So be you" He pats my shoulder.
Whenever we meet, I feel like he's got the habit to pat my shoulder or back. It's a peculiar one for a homophobic man but the again I'm not complaining.
Taehyung flips his hair back as he unlocks his overly expensive phone-is that a gold plated iPhone?! How the hell does he have money for this? He takes it out and apparently seems to hold it in the air for taking a selfie. "Ummm...I had not  realised that you were this rich" I say it in a soft tone.
He rolls his eyes as he puts his phone in his pocket and clears his throat. "Excuse me...I have worked hard for this piece of device that is in my hand. Oh I forgot to tell you, I work as a daily editor for the Times' magazine. I had to do many odd jobs before this per se. Before I didn't get support from my parents-well my mother. Sorry if that was too much information. I know when I talk I ramble a lot-"
"It's fine. I mean everyone knows that my dad was a pedophile so-" "I'm sorry did he uh..." He knowingly trails off in regret. I nod in silence.
After ten minutes of awkwardness his eyes light up as he calls the waiter over. "Ma'am...can you please order us any special dessert of the day? Bring two please" Taehyung also whispers something in his ear and the waiter nods in frustration. Considering our reputation in this place I could understand why he acted like that.
Taehyung flips the guy off as he turns around on his toes and walks off sassily. We both look at each other and burst out laughing.
After ten minutes the waiter brings out two ice-cream cake slices. Taehuyng licks his lips in hunger as I do the same. We both pick the same ice-cream bowl.
There is a brief eye contact before he smirks and snatches the bowl away from me. Leaving me to be stunned by the action. I snatch the other bowl quickly and start to eat.
What I hadn't realised was that Mr. Taehyung has told the waiter secretly to bring ice cream with sprinkled salt on it.
"What. Cat got your tongue?"
Taehyung says as he bites his bottom lip. "Oh no sweetie, I'm just getting started" I smack a chunk of ice cream on his face, making him fume in anger. Terrific.
Heck this is going to be fun.
I have to eat. I'm hungry as hell.
Bye readers!

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