Eight. Obsessed

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys. I'm a little depressed but-you know never mind. You guys are here for the story. Slight Smut warning though (it's straight smut but...) so keep that in mind.
Jeongguk's POV.
"Jeongguk open the door! As your brother I know that you're not okay" Jin screeches through the door, bashing on it heavily for the past ten minutes. I had endured it for a while but I have had enough of his immature yelling and telling me that he knows what's best for me. Typical for annoying older brothers.
I shake my head as I lay down on the cramped bed and pull the uncomfortably small duvet over me. Yes. I was sleeping in the guest room since Jin is a mad scientist who always keeps the keys to my room.
"Your skipping classes! Do you know how it-"
"Shut up! Go back to your work. It's not like it's going to affect your life if I don't graduate. You never really care except for my grades and how I'm doing in university. Go check yourself huh?" I scoff at the irony myself. How could I say that when he was the one who literally raised me to become who I am today. Sure...he works hard and doesn't get a whole lot of money. But at least it's enough for us to eat fast food every out every now and then.
There's a silence that lingers outside the door, then I hear footsteps going away from my reach. Finally. I sigh as I get up and decide to let some air in by opening the window.
I jump back on the bed and decide to rest for a bit before I get a call from my so called 'Best friend' from university. I groan as I knew it was going to be a long hell of a call.
I swipe the caller ID upwards and put my ear to the phone. "Jungkookie! How are you? I missed you so much" The voice on the line speaks up and my face goes red because of the fake enthusiasm laced in her voice.
"Uh...yeah we just hanged out yesterday at the-" I get interrupted by her incomprehensible blabbering "I really wanted to have fun with my bunny so I'm outside your window..." I snap by head to the window and she was right. I mentally stab the girl in the throat after smiling the most forced smile I ever did. Oh my god is she that obsessed?
"Can I come in?" She says that but she's already inside with her dirty white sneakers making a mess of the carpet. I decide to ball my hands into fists to keep calm. I'm already depressed as heck and I don't want to take any further tolls on my health by emitting even more anger.
I remain smiling until she starts to untie my belt all of a sudden. I jolt back and swat the filthy hands away as she suggestively raises an eyebrow.
"Come on! You don't want to be the person who doesn't know what a blowjob feels like. Do you?" Her questioning tone makes me think. I feel insecure about me not being comfortable with dating or any physical contact, but with this maybe I can show other people what I'm capable of?
I nod confidently. Giving her the lead. She smirks as she slowly pulls down my jeans. I gulp in anticipation as she palms me through my boxers. Damn. I don't like her but she knows what she's doing. I moan for the first time as it comes out a little throaty. She chuckles as she takes off the boxers.
"Should I?" She says innocently. I roll my eyes at her act. Yeah right. No sh*t I was the one being all horny when we met. Not the obvious sarcasm. Nonetheless I cringe out a "Yes" and she goes back to her work.
She takes in the length casually and bobs her head up and down for more exposure. I shut my eyes and realise that this might be a new kind of feeling for me.
I can't say I'm really turned on. But what I can say is that it's really pleasurable. She starts going faster and eventually chokes on it. Feeling embarrassed, she pulls away. "Sorry ehehe" She dumbly twirls her hair into a knot and I signal her to keep going. Jeez. How many times is she going to stop?
She begins to push me onto the bed. But everyone knows that even if Jeon Jeongguk is a virgin, he isn't the one who is bound to listen; he controls. I smirk as I stand up and push her down by the hair.
"Keep going" I simply say and she screams in a high pitched voice before going back to her job. I don't know what that was for but I could feel my ears ringing because of her...so called screa-moans.
Time passes and I feel like I'm about to come. I tap her shoulder and she gets the point. Slowly the liquid releases. And I do the worst thing imaginable. I don't know how this could even happen in the first place.
I look down and my fantasy merges in with the reality and I see a innocent yet seductive Taehyung sucking it the same way that she was. I moan out of pleasure this time. The image fades away as I snap back into reality.
"T-taehyung!" She suddenly stops and backs off. Oh what the f**k have I done?! I try to open my mouth but nothing comes out. It's just what it is now.
"Who the hell is Taehyung?! I thought you weren't gay?" She yells at me as I try to shush her up. Obviously she doesn't listen and crosses her arms whilst tapping her foot.
"I just-just got a random name-" "Yeah random my ass! Whatever Jeongguk. It's true that your not what you make others think who you are. You're not a homophobic piece of crap that likes to dish out their insecurities on others. You're not-" "Shut the HELL up you B*tch! Get out of my house whore" I pull up my pants and step closer and she gets the hint. She quickly dashes to the window and runs off leaving her jacket behind.
I sigh and sit back down. The heck just happened?
I wasn't even thinking about the man yet I pictured him-am I okay? No you're not, Jeon. You hate gays. Ah well...f**k it. It's not like I'm not going to end up falling for Taehyung. Wait-what did I just think?
Life is a lie and I'm caught up in it.
How was it? Tell me or...I don't know.
Bye readers!

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