Six. Girlfriend

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa guys and gals or whichever gender you want to be! How are ya? This turned Texan real quick. Yes I wanted to update and give my 'one' viewer some content 😂. No seriously I don't think that this book will get much recognition because of the concept. But...I love it. So whatever.
Jeongguk's POV.
"Daddy! I want to know the answer to that question!"
"Which question my little bunny?"
I lay down on the grass and pat the area next to it and whisper a "I'll tell you" But he tries to pull me back up with his arms. I pout and nevertheless he sits down next to me while restraining his chuckle.  "What is that you want to ask? My soon-to-be-teenage son? I couldn't decide on what to get you so I'll let you come with me to the mall and we can buy something-" I put my finger on his lips and shift in my sitting towards him.
"Dad. Why do you flinch when you see to guys kissing?" I look down in embarrassment as his eyes widen and his mouth games open. His expression turns to a one of disgust but he tries to suppress a smile. He ruffles my hair and laughs at me.
"Son, because boys are made to love girls. So if a man kisses another man-" "It means that he is a girl?" I ask with curiosity building up within me. He pauses for a moment before changing the subject and gravitating towards focusing on something else. I sigh as I think that some things are meant to be left unspoken. Suddenly his attention captures something behind me and I raise my eyebrows.
"Is that your crush over there?" He cocks his head to the side and I turn around urgently.
Oh shoot. It's that girl.
She had been my ultimate crush since first grade. It's been five years and we all are graduating middle school to secondary school. I never really got the chance to ask her out because I have never been courageous enough to ask. Even though everyone in my house and class knows I have feelings for the bubbly and adorable girl. She was the class president throughout these five years because of her excellent grades in every subject.
Dad always wanted me to go ask her. I give my Dad a questioning glare. He gives me a thumbs up before getting up to go away and give us some space. I get up and brush off the various particles of dust on my jeans. You can do this. I breathe in and out as I step towards the girl, I pat her shoulder and she jolts up in fear before softening her tone.
"Hello! How are you bunny?" She pokes my nose as she grabs me by the hand to climb and sit down on the monkey bar with her. "How are you Irene?" I inaudibly ask her and smack myself mentally on my face. Great. You spoke in such a frequency that she did not even hear it.
She looks up at me and sees the shyness on my face. "Don't be shy! I know I may seem untouchable at first because I am so called 'popular' for the people or whatever. But if you come up and talk to me. I'd be happy to chat and become friends!" She giggles sweetly.
Then I mess it all up by asking a gloomy question.
"Why are you here?"
She looks taken aback for a second before speaking up. " mother got angry because my brother ran away. She told me to go outside so she wouldn't do anything bad to me. And I ended up here" She bites her lip before looking up at me.
"Will you take care of me?"  Her eyes glisten up with tears and I smile at her blue doe eyes before nodding furiously. There is a minute of silence, and suddenly she leans closer to me, touching my face. I smile at her uncomfortably since I knew where this could be possibly going.
"Can I kiss-"
"No!" I push her off the monkey bar and she scrapes her knees falling down on the spiky grass. I start to cry in panic before getting down and running away as fast as possible.
I always mess it up. Why do I chicken out every single time? I run towards my Dad as he turns around and closes his phone after looking at me crying in aggression and defeat. He kneels down in front of me and wipes away my tears. I start to speak up "S-she f-fell be-because of m-me" I stumble on my own words, currently being a mess.
Dad being the best father he can be, picks me up and soothes me by rubbing circles on my back. "It's alright sweetheart. It's alright" But since that day onwards, I never was able to look her in the eyes up until college when we had to part ways because we were graduating.
I still remember what she said.
"Oh. I see. You still haven't gotten a girlfriend? Sucks to be the person who even fools won't fall for" She flicks her middle finger in my face before running away with her group of friends, and of course...her boyfriend Min Yoongi. Who can blame him? Irene was beautiful.
Flashback ending...
It still roams my mind. It feels like something isn't right. I feel like she's still with me. I feel like...that Kim Taehyung was the brother who ran away for some reason.
But then again, there are many other Irenes in this World so I may be wrong. The pieces seem to fit together perfectly well for it to be a coincidence. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. I don't really know what I'm doing with myself anymore. A notification pops up on my mobile, three text messages?
From, Tae🤞
Tae: u ok?
Tae: hvnt been receiving my calls rcntly.
Tae: it's been 1 week since u showed up as well.
Tae: I'm worried.
I chuckle at his weird use of lingo in text messages. It suddenly reminds me of Irene. Oh how caring you are, Kim Taehyung. At least you didn't push me away regardless of my mistakes.
Kim Taehyung is way better than Kim Irene. Props to him for running away. He didn't deserve the hate from his mother and sister. Why do I care? a question for which I may say that some things are meant to be left unspoken.
Hey guys. That was one hell of a ride. I tested up writing this chapter. It has many personal experiences linked with it. Hope you enjoyed.
Bye readers.

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