Nine. Unfortunately

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa people of the world. Enjoy life while it lasts.
Namjoon's POV.
"Do you need more tissues?" I get up and grab the tenth and last box of tissue paper for my sobbing friend and roommate. He nods through his silent and stifling cries. I give him the box as he throws the used one on the tissue mountain. There is a mess everywhere and I can't even walk properly in his room because of the fear that a tissue may get stuck on my bare feet.
I sit back on the bed, continuing to rub his back. His state has been disheveled for the past few days. I remember he came in the door and I asked him if he's alright. The only thing he said was "Jeongguk. I can't be like this!" And stormed off to his room. Since that day he hasn't even gotten up to go to his office. He's been stuck in his room, crying all day.
I swear I'll kill that Jeongguk or Jungkook, whoever he is. I don't know about the full picture, so I decide to try and ask him about it.
"Hey. Can you tell me what's wrong? I don't even know. And I care about you...please talk to me" I softly say. Not much to my own expectation, shockingly that sentence was enough for him to open up.
"I-i think...I-I just can't even say it! I'm such a piece of crap" He slowly mumbles the last part himself. I shake my head in disbelief and pull him closer. "No you're not. Whatever is on your mind, the most I can do is be disappointed or angry for a while. I can't stay mad at my little Taetae for long" I playfully pull at his hair making him wheeze.
"Okay okay! The thing is...I realised that it was stupid and arrogant of me to be homophobic. I may be uncomfortable with it but I want to learn more. So-I have decided that I won't go and berate people at the cafe ever again" He looks up at me with fear. I chuckle mentally as I try to keep a straight face but end up laughing at his adorably cute expression. He raises his eyebrows with a puzzled expression.
"So what is it that you're getting at?" I ask between laughs. He rolls his eyes as he whispers in my ear. "I think that I'm willing to try something" He says confidently.
Wait. Did he just...?
My eyes were about bulge out in realisation before he said it himself. "I want to date a man and I have someone else in mind too" He lowers his head from firsthand embarrassment.
Wow. This is a change. I think to myself. Taehyung. The Kim Taehyung. Is himself open to sexuality? I simply say "Damn get some! Congratulations" Before running off and screaming in excitement. Taehyung runs after me laughing before giving up and closing his door.
Suddenly the phone rings and I walk over to the phone stand. I look at the phone and it's an unknown number. I groan and decide to pick it up. I swear if it's a prank again.
"Hello?" I clear my throat, anticipating a fake as hell scam or a kid trying to seduce me into having sex with them. I sometimes hate being a school teacher.
Unexpectedly, what comes out at the other end is a somewhat kind and gentle voice.
"Is this Taehyung?"
"No it's his roommate, Namjoon. Who are you?"
"Um do you know Jeongguk-" "Yeah bye!" As soon as I decide to close the phone the voice on the line yells for me to not drop the phone.
"I know my brother was a brat and everything, but he wanted to say sorry for his behaviour" His voice starts to shake and I sense the panic lacing it. I huff as I say "Well he's never meeting Taehyung ever again-" "Please. I think he loves your roommate" He says in a hushed tone.
What is the matter with homophobic men turning gay the other second? I swear. First it was Tae, now it's him? I really thought he pushed my roommate away because Tae couldn't do the homophobic sh*t anymore.
"Excuse me but how..."
"I don't know. But whenever I mention his name he just cannot comprehend it"
"So you're saying just because he's-"
"And he uh moaned your roommate's name while having sex with another woman"
I almost drop the phone after hearing that. Is he? He can't be kidding? I should probably keep this call a secret between us.
"Well. What do you want?"
"Promise me you won't hang up"
"First tell me what do you want-"
"It's just a request but..."
"You know you're really annoying with the prolonged silences"
"Did you call me...Seokjin...annoying? Do you want to see my wrath?"
"Then listen to what I have to say"
"Yes sir"
"Can Jeongguk visit-"
"THAT IS not happening"
There is a silence, an uncomfortable one at most. Suddenly I hear a shaky breath from the other side. I quickly retaliate because I hate to see people getting teary-eyed over something that I would say.
"Okay okay okay. I can't allow your brother to our house since Taehyung is already in a bad state but I can possibly give you Taehyung's office location if you'd like" I say and face palm myself with disappointment. Why can't I just say no to anybody? Especially this stranger with a gentle and soft voice? 
I could sense the smile on the person's face as he sighs peacefully and throws a string of apologies towards me. I laugh at his use of words when apologising.
"Oh. I'm sorry. Wait I shouldn't be sorry-you should be sorry. You know...well you actually helped a little as well and all but just-okay fine I'll be sorry? I'm sorry...Ahaha that was awkward. I get nervous around people who have handsome voices-I MEAN I am antisocial from the get go so it gets hard for me to answer strangers. Could you please just tell me the address?" He speaks the last sentence in a shushed and quiet voice.
I chuckle. This boy is cute. It would be a bummer if he's actually underage. After giving him the dress to Taehyung's office I finally get the courage to ask him.
"So are you Jeongguk's little brother?" I questioningly ask. I hear screeches and laughs at the other end of the line and I wonder what was funny about the question.
"Love, I'm twenty five. So actually four years older than him. He calls me 'hyung' for a reason. What about you? I'm guessing because of the deep gravely voice that you might be older than me" He says in a mocking tone. Damn the dude is an year older than me.
I cough with extreme fakery and retort back. "Well I'm twenty four. Is the something wrong with me having a deep gravely voice?" I wear smug smile on my face. I knew that he'd punch me in the face for the cockiness if he had seen me with it.
"Wait!" The world spits out of my mouth like fire. He hums as he stays on the line. Oh god. What was I thinking? "Uhm. Can I talk to you another time? You seem like a nice guy. I mean that is if you want to. This might be weird. I wasn't trying to be gay-your homophobic too. I didn't mean-"
"Honey I don't care if you mean it in any way. I'd be happy to talk about life. Otherwise, you can come visit if you-" That was surely enough to get me riled up. "Um yeah. I will. Nice talking. Bye!" I hang up in a flustered state. So is he gay or is he homophobic? We may never know.
I shouldn't tell Tae about this. Otherwise he's going to end me. Although 'Seokjin' was undeniably a nice person to talk to. There aren't enough good people nowadays so that was refreshing. Usually people backbite about their husbands or something. This conversation was normal.
Unfortunately I have to wake up Taehyung and pretend to show that everything is fine. Which I'm not good at. The dude got me red in the face and this is not good.
Bye readers!

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