Sixteen. Sense (End)

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This is the Oops too soon. Sorry.
Jeongguk's POV.
"Are you really jealous over him talking to his childhood friend? Like...come the eff on?" Namjoon plays with my hair as I stare out the window to see two males, one of which being my Taehyung, talking like there's no tomorrow. I get it. I'm way too possessive. But is it really my fault? I told him everything before we committed to this relationship; I get paranoid and possessive of my belongings very easily.
Still, he agreed to date a jealous as f**k flopping jelly. See? I don't get the reason why someone would want to be with me. It has only been a week or so, and I am already steaming from the scenery of my boyfriend with somebody else. I look at the two talking so fondly of each other, the other had bright blue eyes (possibly contacts?), jet black hair and he looked foreign, as if he were from Thailand or something. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes and it looked from afar, as if they had been flirting with each other.
Mind me-they have been standing outside for an hour, under the hot sun! Even Taehyung doesn't like to speak to me when we both are out for shopping and he gets deprived from the hot weather. I guess he really is better looking in all aspects; I mean look at his body structure, his physical features are gorgeous and his aura screams positivity.
Maybe I don't deserve him after all. I sigh as I put up a smile and a fake facade for my sincere roommate. He looks at me with a puzzled expression before shrugging and going back to the kitchen whilst I lied there frozen, almost like a dead fish.
I was astonished by myself, to say the least. As I looked at the unfamiliar male putting his arm around my boyfriend's back. My first instinct was to stand up and dash towards the door but I remained in my seat. What Tae wants, he gets it. I switch on the television to keep my mind from going insane.
"Uh...why are you watching static? Is there something mesmerising about a plain screen of distortion? Or am I just missing out?" Namjoon puts his hand on my right shoulder, causing me to flinch but I still maintained my persona. "Oh no I was just-bored! Yeah, that's what I was. I forgot. Oh hey, do you have any spare DVDs that I can watch here?" I say in a casual tone, or so I had thought.
He points at the table beneath the television. "That is not a DVD player Jungkook. That's a gaming console. Are you okay? Something about you has been making me feel worried today. Is it because of Tae? Look I know everybody in our group may be...a little bit carefree and they may not listen. But I'm all ears. Talk to me, while nobody is here-" "What about me then? Am I a ghost?" We both turn around to see Jin coming out of Namjoon's-well their room. What can I say? Jin has moved in with us and left Taehyung to live on his own. Which is a bad idea to be honest, every other day he calls me saying that "Kookie! My house almost caught on fire. I left the heater on for too long" or "Hey Daddy-uhm I mean Jungkook. Is my wallet at your house? It's just because I can't find it anywhere. Literally" and I really want us all to move in and for Jin to sell the apartment. But for some reason, Taehyung had been living all alone. Come to think of it, is that man staying at Taehyung's?
"Jeongguk? Jeon? Jeon Jeongguk did you hear what I said?" Jin lightly slaps my face making me feel stunned with fear. Yes, Jin is the only person that sometimes scares me. He has the 'Mommy' vibes, but not in a bad way; he's like a really independent and dominant woman, except he's a man, do you catch my drift? Probably not.
"Stop babying me! Stop being so outrageous! I'm okay. O-K-A-Y. Do you get it? Or do I have to spell it out on paper for you guys?" I close my mouth after I say that.
Silence falls in the room.
The two aforementioned look at each other knowingly, before staring right into my soul.
"Outrageous? You really are slowly inhabiting Taehyung's lifestyle" Jin ruffles my perfectly styled hair. I huff in exasperation. Why do I even try? I feel neglected even though no one neglects me. "I am just an attention seeking brat who doesn't get anyone's attention because he doesn't deserve it." I think out aloud without noticing.
Well then. I'm in trouble. I looks up at the two who had empathetic emotions flowing through their faces.
"Are you in your senses?" Namjoon presses his hands together in fury, causing Jin to rub circles into the other's back. I wish I were this comfortable with Taehyung, instead I choose to be a coward who oppresses his feelings into a ditch. Why am I full of angst? I don't really know. It all started with that Thai guy. That rhymed unironically. I saw Taehyung waving at me from the window then boom, that guy came out of thin air and grabbed Taehyung's wrist, yes. Since then, they have been acting like lovebirds and Taehyung thinks he's so slick.
Two can play that game.
"Hey Joonie. Can Hoseok and Jimin come over?" I ask him with pleading eyes. I've been told that I'm good at acting by a bunch of people.
Namjoon raises his eyebrows at me before whispering something in his boyfriend's ear.
....Half an hour later....
"So you're saying that you want to make your lover jealous by flirting unconditionally with my lover?" Jimin crosses his arms as Hoseok looks lost after the lost of things I had dictated to him. I sigh. I guess no can do then. I utter out a small "Fine" before turning around, but Jimin suddenly grabs my arm.
"Okay, but I am about to warn you-"
"If I touch your boyfriend anywhere but the hands, I'll get drowned in the bathtub. Yeah I got it" I smile at the other as he pats my back in excitement. On the other hand, Hoseok looks clueless to what had been happening.
"So what do I have to do?" He says in an uncertain tone. I laugh at his demeanour and pull him outside. "You have to flirt with me so Taehyung know-" "Jelly? Got it. Let's go" He mouths for me to talk. My eyes widen as I realise what I was putting myself into. Do I really want to hurt him? I mean it won't be that bad if I hell with it. I stop stalling and quickly clear my throat and put on a flirtatious face for him and his Thai lad to see.
"Hoseok you look charming today! What's with you being all handsome?" I say in an enthusiastic but cringe worthy tone. Thankfully Taehyung doesn't notice me face palming afterwards and focuses on my words only. A frown dawns upon his face, as he gets lost in his thoughts. The guy keeps judging him to speak but he only nods, pretending that he's listening even though we both know that is not the case.
"You don't look half as bad as well. Where's Taehyungie? I wish he were here to witness you looking like a goddamn snack" Hoseok does a great persuading me. I glance back at the others who were amused at the scene as they watched from the lounge window. Except for Jimin who was scowling intensely.
"Ah. You're making me flustered, stop it!" I playfully hit his shoulder, and that caused something in my boyfriend to spark, at first he had been ignoring all of that, the other second he was stomping right towards us. I give Hoseok the 'Look' and he continues to talk.
"You're well defined as well, gosh those muscles they look way bigger in daylight. How come you never show it to us?" He says while pawing at my shoulders.
"Because they are only for me to see, hobi. Now Jeon...would you come here for a second I need you to introduce yourself to my childhood friend, Kumpimook Bhuakul" I look at him indiscreetly.
"Or you can just call him Bambam. He won't mind" Taehyung grabs my hand and starts t opulent me in his direction. But being the stubborn kid I was...I remained at my place. He looked back at me with confusion.
"What?" I say calmly.
"I'm saying that would come with me...hobi you can go inside-" "But I want him to stay" I say with pride washing over my deflated self esteem.
He looks between the both of us, then arches his back and stomps his feet. "Fine. But I'm staying here to see what you all will talk about" I laugh wryly at his statement. "What about Bambam? Give him some company. Go on, kiss his hands and make him feel like a prince" I blurt out too many words at once and take Hoseok inside.
I stomp inside and close the door with such as force, making all of the others, including Hoseok, jump.
Everyone including Jimin start to clap furiously.
"That was dramatic"
"Damn I admit...the look on Taehyung's face when you were appealing to Jungkook was everything" Jimin runs over and hugs his already blushing boyfriend.
"Should we make him even more jealous?" We both say at the same time, then start giggling like idiotic school girls. Everyone joins in as the push us to go back out.
Ten minutes later...
"What can I say? I've already admitted everything to you. I bet no one has ever showered that many compliments at you" Hoseok blinks repeatedly, as a sign of flirtation.
We had been doing this since a while and we both admit, that it was funny to see Tae glancing at us with demonic looks flashing across his face every now and then. I know him, if that banban-whatever it was...wasn't there he would have stabbed Hoseok to death, all I want is for him to shove that bi*ch aside and come up to us.
But it haven't had happen until now.
I lost all hope and signalled J-hope to stop. "We should forget it-" "That is MY boyfriend. So if you don't mind, would you please stop cheating on your Jiminie and get off my property? And by property I meant my beautiful and gorgeous boyfriend. Yes, Bambam this is the lovely sweetheart I had been talking to you about since morning" Bambam looks at my adoringly before pulling out his hand.
"Nice to meet you. My friend here was talking about you a lot, you may have captured his heart huh?" He says whilst his pinches my cheeks.
Oh. they were taking about me.
"I uh...uhh. I have to go-" thankfully Tae cuts me off.
"Maybe sometime later Bambam. I think he isn't in the mood. I'll catch up with you later, then we can talk about our respective boyfriends privately!" He winks and Bambam giggles.
"Sure, see ya!" He turns around and jogs off the land.
Oh no. Here we go.
"Hoseok. Be a good boy and go inside, tell everybody to stop peeping from the window" Hoseok obliges as he nervously goes inside to tell everyone to not stalk us from the window.
"And you there...I love you dork"
He goes on his tippy toes to kiss me but I feel surprised.
So...he wasn't going to break up with me?
"No you idiot. And stop thinking things aloud, it's outrageous" He giggles deeply.
I hum thoughtfully "You say that word a lot" I inquire him.
"Well I guess people change, but their words stay the same. I used to call homosexuality outrageous"
I smile down at him and hug him tighter.
"Then I guess we're both outrageous"
To hell with it. That's the ending.
You like it?
Please tell me yes, I worked my ass off for this.
As for the future, I may work on some other vkook stories as I have some ideas in my mind. But don't expect it to be that early.
Bye readers.

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