Five. A 'Good' Man

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Hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! How are you lovely people doing? I know, I know this is kind of cheesy and weird for me to do this. But I'm just saying, I think we do not fully appreciate each other enough. Then again look who's saying this...I am a depressed piece of rubble.
Jeongguk's POV.
"Let's play the questioning game-" "WAIT. Hold my bear! Are you that basic or are you just trying to humour me?" "No. I am seriously contemplating on what to do here. And I came up with a great-"
Taehyung huffs in defeat as he pushes his bandana further away from his forehead. "Okay, fine. I'm only agreeing to this because we don't have any new 'customers' coming in for us to berate them. Hell-should I even call them customers? I just feel that we are given enough freaking freedom nowadays. So much that men started to shack up other men. And then go take a wild guess, the government actually acknowledges it! What a world" The bandana wearing boy rolls his eyes in a way to show arrogance. I smile at his deliberate expression and continue on.
"Yeah...they're more like women that got their soul born in a male body" I say loudly so everyone could hear at the back. Taehyung raises his coffee in agreement. "That's right and all...but we don't have time to waste so you go first, ask away" The boy signals his hand towards my direction so I could initiate the first question.
I clear my throat to speak up. 
"Well. For starters, introduce yourself in a descent manner. I mean...I only know for a fact that you're named Taehyung, that you're twenty three and you are a child of a single mother. Heck I don't even your full name. Why are you so secretive?" I state in a questioning form. Taehyung bobs his head to the side as he laughs and then scoots his chair up close next to me.
"Life is full of secrets, my child. But enough joking. I really thought about it and you're absolutely right. I should just get a move on and introduce myself properly. Plus we have been chatting in this cafe for a month now. So my name is Kim Taehyung and yeah nice to meet you too. I come from Daegu and I had a sister named Irene. And no, She's not dead or something. It's just that I ran away from my house because of my mother's behaviour. So I haven't seen her since then. I am ambidextrous and i listen to sappy pop music. Oh and I only had two relationships but they weren't serious at all. That's it. Now you introduce yourself. Come on" He coughs and pants for air.
He takes a deep breath and sits back with his ears open to listen. Wow. I have to process all of that information. I sigh in relaxation as I lean on the table. He really is wasting no time in opening up. Why hadn't I asked this question earlier?
"I'm Jeon Jeongguk. You can call me Jungkook though. I am eighteen-soon to be nineteen years old. I have a passion for singing. I was born in Busan, I ran away from my abusive father with my older brother to live independently. He works daily shifts at a restaurant in order to save money for us two. I never really kissed a girl so therefore I've been single forever. I'm going to start a part time job sooner or later. Just to get my brother to relax for a bit..." I trail off to ponder about my reality. Life is just too hard. But thank god my brother is still here with me. I don't want to admit it, but I love him to death.
I snap out of my thoughts as Taehyung starts to speak. "You are a good man, Jungkook. I hope that I get to know you better and vice versa. You seem like a descent human" I nod at his kind assurance as he opens his mouth to ask another question.
"Do you want to start dating-" "To be honest, I don't know either. I just feel like I don't have any active or strong feelings of attraction towards anyone. Even men. But I'd rather die than become one of them so..." I mumble the last part to myself but nevertheless, the boy catches on and laughs loudly at the remark.
"You are interesting, you know that?" He scrunches up his nose; which in turn makes his eyes disappear. Why the heck am I observing him that close. I need to chill.
"On final thoughts though. What would be your ideal type? IF you want to answer it-" I cut him off politely "First of all. I want someone who connects with me and has the same aura as myself. I cannot rely on anyone unless I make sure that they really are trustworthy and connected to me. I don't care about looks. I don't want the other to care about my looks. I want her to love me as I am. I once had a crush on a girl who used to pick on my nerdy features back then. That was when I realised that looks don't unravel a person's character" Taehyung looks at me with awe, blinking furiously. I raise my eyebrows at him.
Did I say something bad? "No its just and nerdy don't go together in a sentence. Dude-I mean Jungkook! Look at yourself. If I was a girl, I'd think you would be pretty attractive. Not that you're not as of me being a male. But like you know what I'm trying-" I cover his mouth with my right palm. "Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Thanks by the way. You're not bad yourself. Bros have to appreciate bros, you know?" I say it in an awkward manner which makes him burst out laughing and causing everyone to look in our direction.
Taehyung gives me a thumbs up as he turns around on his chair. "What? Is this a stripper show? Go back to where you came weirdos" He pauses for a moment for everyone to look away. Then turns back to mouth a "Sorry for laughing out loud" To which I shrug and say that it's okay.
"You know, Jungkook. You were the first person to come up to me and talk. Other people who had the same motive as us were too cowardly to strike up a conversation. I know that I may look...intimidating to others but when you get to know me, you might also get to know that this all is a facade. I'm not really heartless. Well except to these outrageous fags which don't deserve anything" He slurps his cold coffee.
Well that went from bright to dark real quick. But I smile to myself knowing that I may be the first person to be called his friend. And I certainly won't be the last.
"You said outrageous. That's an interesting choice of vocabulary. Why is that?" I ask in a non-offensive manner. He just shrugs in response and says a few sentences but I can only decipher one.
"My mother used this word against them a lot...although I don't like it, I have been accustomed to it"
Hello lovely humans! Enjoy this chapter and be lucky because I may or may not be updating in a while due to school. I'll make sure to not make you guys wait!
Bye readers!

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