Why Im Scared

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because i don't want to close my eyes when i kiss you;
like i am afraid of falling asleep
or letting even one precious moment
slip by me.

because i bought a train ticket,
and boarded on the wrong line,
but arrived at the right place all the same,
and it was easy to tell you
that same metaphor.

because i made the right choice
when i was too drunk to see beyond
my immediate physical craving,
and i slept even better sober
in your bed.

because yearning is not
because desire doesn't have to be overwhelming.
because beauty
can creep up on you softly.

because you walked away from me as soon as you learned
my name, but when it mattered,
you were the one who stayed.

because it makes so much sense.

because you are real
because you are real.
because you are real.

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