Shitty Ocean Metaphore

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suck my arbitrary genitalia.
whisper into my pubes about
how you were born complete.
growl your best bono impression against my spine
while i'm plugged into the internet.
i promise i'll act like i don't care
until it drives you up the wall
& you're begging into my orgasm moans,
pleading with me, let me do it for you for once,

well did you ever stop to consider
that it's not about you.

give me everything because it will never be enough.
i want you to destroy yourself for me.
void lord fucking knows
i've done it enough for others.

lay your slurs in our bed
i'm going to pin you to the mattress
& light your hair on fire,
& when you scream
psycho bitch fag slut
with your bleeding wristcut lips,
it won't matter because you'll be in fucking flames

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