Chapter 8 - The Forest Road

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Cupa P.O.V

I don't know why but since we left Understone I've been getting a guilty regretful feeling in my chest that I just can't place. It wasn't hunger or thirst. It was not as severe as those but in a way it was way worse because it never left and it hurt my mind worse. It was almost an itchy feeling, like the unscratchable itch. It made me hover in a slightly depressive state.
  I looked around the carraige weakly. Silk's arm was way better now and she insisted on driving the wagon. Her stubborn nature was a welcome feeling to the strange affairs we had going on recently. All we wanted after the struggle we had in the mines was a peaceful life but then some idiot guy just HAD to fall out of the sky and punch a tree. And idiot me just HAD to approach him and develop an unneeded friendship.

I sighed and leaned out the carriage towards the fast moving ground. The only Northern road led us through a forest almost as old as time itself with giant trees that seemed to touch the sky. The soft, brown, mushroom covered earth had a homely smell to it as well.With all the vines and ivy crawling onto the trees it looked easy to climb although it might not be the safest of ideas to be that high up. Maybe I would try it someday when I got my life back into one piece. With Forg suddenly betraying his agreement to my family, a lot of trouble will come flying towards the creeper society within the coming days. The worst part is that I would not be able to protect Silk nor my new friend, Emerald.

I looked back at the two companions, deep in thought. Silk with her determined and eager gaze fixed on the road. She was as troubled as I was. Emerald was playing with sky. Her childlike behaviour was heart warming but deep down I know she misses Jake as well. It is for the best that we leave him. He isn't the same and if Silk finds him she might kill him even though she doesn't want to.
I laid back onto a sack of potatoes with my hands behind my head and gazed through the back of the carriage at the giant trees.

"I hope we can get to you in time, mom" I whispered to myself.

The carriage bumped into something and the horses neighed loudly and reared back. There were voices outside and Silk looked forward with fury blazing in her eyes. Only when I looked over her shoulder I saw why. People bearing the Golden Dragon sword symbol where blocking the road and advanced on us. Spears were pointed at us and bows were drawn as Emerald whimpered. It looks like they found us again and were waiting on the road. They shouted something but I was too focused on Silk  to hear. She got out of her seat and stood tall. I tried to shake her out of her fit but nothing happened.

"Silk no don't-" I shouted at her but was cut off as she raised her hand.

I was scared as well as Emerald. I turned around and dived into her while covered her face with my green hoodie. I didn't want her to witness Silk in this state and what she was going to do. There was a loud scraping sound and a solid 'crunch'. The air went cold and the men screamed out in pain.

" could you. I thought she would never come out again"

P.O.V Jake

"Ugh...I'm starting to believe that this world really does not want me to have a good morning" I muttered and rubbed my chest.

Surprisingly instead of a good morning wake up scene that's so recurring in fanfictions, Andr was gone. Along with a bottle of alcohol.

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