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On the First Night Of Jake's summon to the Minecraft world...

"Silk...don't touch me there..." Cupa said with hands covering most of her red face.

Silk's hands moved their way skillfully up the folds of Cupa's hoodie and fiddled with the zipper. Cupa looked at Silk with wide eyes and yelled as loudly as possible without waking up the man in the room next to them.

Cupa fought desperately against the webbing Silk had ensnared her in but had no defence against the oncoming hands..."Silk please no- ahhhhhh!"

Silk laughed loudly as her fingers ravaged Cupa's smooth and defenceless body. She ducked her head to Cupa's ears and began her work up there while her hands moved on the creeper's body.

"Ahhhhhh! S-Silk! Stop it please!" Cupa screamed without restraint, "Hahaha stop tickling me! I'm going to go crazzzyyyy!"

Poor little Cupa squirmed around under Silk's form in an endless fit of laughing. This playful *healthy* bond between friends only stopped when someone else moaned in the other room.

"Hmmm. It seems those slapping noises I noticed earlier have stopped as well," Silk said joyfully, "He might still be awake, that weirdo."

"I don't...think so...can we sleep now?" Cupa panted through deep breaths.

"One more round webling <3~" the spider girl answered and continued to use Cupa's body as she pleased.


And so our heroes spent the night together filled with carnal chaos that defies all description...

The journey continues!

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