Chapter 10 - OUR body

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Yippee aye kye yay! CHAPPEE NO. TEN!


Jake POV

"My head really hurts" I muttered as I awoke out of unconsciousness. But what else is new? I have been unconscious several times in this adventure of mine already.

I am no longer in the giant forest anymore, that's for sure. The serene forest picture was replaced by a view straight out of hell. Literally. Netherack burned brightly inside the confines of dark brick walls and a dark fence blocked out a window small enough for a dog high above me.

Somehow I ended up inside the belly of a nether fortress. I was clearly in the nether because the burning red colours outside, the scorching heat and the unmistakable sound of ghasts moaning were solid proof.

"How the hell did you get yourself into this one Jake?"  I whispered hoarsely.

Ah I remember now! It was around the time I finally left the forest behind...


It took the better part of two days of travel  after leaving the giant forest before I finally saw the makings of a birchwood forest. I smiled in satisfaction as Nero slowed to near trot.

A small stretch of flat plain separated the distance between the two tree lines. I moved forwards casually while surveying the surroundings for danger.

Some unseen force was  calling me towards the forest like a if an invisible rope attached me to the forest's centre. I approached the halfway mark on the smooth grassland and halted as I saw the outline of two figures sitting on the grass.

I perked up and found it hard to breath when I put two and two together. Two girls were sitting cross-legged on the ground chatting with each other. I instantly recognised the green hoodie and orange hair on the left as Cupa. The girl  sitting opposite her was shorter and bustier with a brown top clinging to her frame. That's Emerald! 

I didn't even climb back onto Nero to get to them, I ran. They were so close to me barely around 100 blocks away and I was closing that distance fast. Nero stomped loudly in protest as I left her behind but I charged forward determined to make a grand entrance just like in the movies.

I was about to call out to them but hesitated and stopped as another familiar figure emerged from the tree line. I subconsciously wrapped my fingers around the hilt of my sword and grounded my feet into the dirt. It was Silk.

And she was freaking staring right at me.

She dropped the firewood she had in her hand as her eyes went wide. I returned her stare with a cold one of mine. The moment she slammed something into the side of my head with cold blooded ruthlessness kept playing in my mind over and over again.
After a few moments I began advancing towards them, hand still firmly around the hilt of my blade, with my attention directed at Silk. The others still hadn't noticed my presence near them as they were joking and laughing with each other directly between me and the spidergirl. The distance had reduced to a mere fifty blocks between  Cupa and Emerald but Silk was much closer. Surely she would yell and get their attention to me?

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