⚡Imagine #14 - Hermione Granger⚡

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{Smartest Witch}

You took your seat next to Harry in your Defence Against the Dark Arts class and pulled your books, parchment and quill out of your bag. You turned to talk to Harry, but before you could say anything, the blinds in the classroom began to shut and footsteps came towards the front of the class. It was unmistakably Professor Snape. The harsh footsteps and the long black cloak is what had given him away. He turned towards the front of the class. "Turn to page three hundred and ninety-four." 

Next to you, on the other row of desks, Hermione was one of the first ones to turn to the correct page. "Werewolves?" She asked, turning to look at Snape who was now at the back of the classroom again. "We're not meant to start on this topic for weeks." She said. Snape came and stood next to her, frustrated. "Miss Granger, are you incapable of restraining yourself?" He asked her. "Or do you just take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?"

Hermione looked down at her desk, she was clearly upset. This set something off in you and gave you a sense of courage that you didn't even know you had. "Are you being serious?" You said, without thinking. The whole class turned to look at you, shocked that you were choosing to speak out against Snape. Snape looked at you. "Did you say something, (Y/n)?" He sneered, walking towards your desk. 

"How dare you talk to her like that." You said, and now there was no stopping you. "Hermione is really smart and if anyone is going to do well in her OWL's; it's Hermione. Just because you were never that smart when you were in school." You said, annoyed. Snape said nothing but allowed you to continue. Although, his eyes were filled with rage. "Hermione is the smartest witch I know, and I am so sick of people treating her badly because she admires her brains more than anything." You finished and looked around at the class, who were all staring at you. 

"How touching," Snape said simply, placing his hands on your desk. "Just for that disgusting display of affection, I am deducting Fifty Points."

"But sir!" Harry moaned. 

"Fifty points!" He repeated, turning back to the front of the class. You looked over Hermione, who was smiling widely at you.  

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