For Baltimore.

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Mayday situation overload,
I'm restless obsessed with your future,
And all my worries they don't bother you,
Collected, you render me useless.

As the thin wails began from the moses basket at Elizabeth's side, Alex felt a cold foot kick his shin feebly.

"Honey, it's your turn." Elizabeth mumbled into her pillow.

"Hmmm.." Alex murmured, still half-asleep. He felt the foot again. This time the kick was more powerful.

"Go do Allena her bottle, Alex." Elizabeth's voice was still sleepy, but he heard the edge to it. With a stretch, he swung out of his bed and padded down the stairs. The moon shone through the kitchen windows, coating everything in its reach in a strange eery glow. As he waited for the kettle to boil and the sound of Allena's wails drifted down from the bedroom, he glanced at the clock. 4:35 it read, much too early to be up and awake. It was their  3rd week of being parents and Alex had quickly realised it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Before becoming a parent, Alex had always stared at the harassed Mothers and Fathers that had passed him in the streets, hair uncombed, clothes unwashed, trailing nappies and wipes like some sort of parade, whilst pushing prams with a sense of determination that deserved an Olympic medal. But now he understood. Allena was up roughly three or four times in the night, wailing like a banshee. Yeah, Alex liked his sleep. Liked his sleep a lot. So it was pretty rough having to cope with a newborn. As Alex stifled a yawn and poured the water from the kettle into a new bottle, he pondered-was it worth it? Was all the late nights, the stress, not to mention the crying and pooping and mess, did being a parent make up for it? His answer came immediately. Simply, yes. Because out of all of this, he had created the most perfect little human being he could have ever wished for. Just holding her in his arms as she slept, dainty eyelids fastened tight shut, pushing her in the park as strangers cooed and fussed, the way she stared up at him sometimes with those beautiful blue eyes, rocking her gently as he sang Remembering Sunday into the sparse locks of hair that adorned her elegant head...he knew he'd treasure these moments forever. Already, he knew Allena was absolutely everything in the world to him. He poured the power into the bottle, shook it until it dissolved, screwed the teat on tight and then shook a few droplets out onto his wrist. Perfect. He headed back up the stairs, Allena's wails getting more desperate and louder at each step. As he entered, he noticed Elizabeth was rocking her, singing a sweet lullaby. Lizz's hair was messy and uncombed, wearing an old nighty, not a scrap of makeup on. Yet Alex found that scene, of the people he loved most in the world and would protect with his life,  almost breath-takingly dazzling. For a while he just stood there, just staring, until Allena's crying became too prolonged to ignore and he coughed to make his presence known. Elizabeth looked over, a look of relief crossing her face.

"Thank you darling." She whispered, before handing Allena over and quickly tumbling back under the covers, as if she was going to be needed and not allowed to sleep at any moment. Alex sat down and re-adjusted his daughter until he was supporting her head, before rolling the teat against her lips. Allena latched on hungrily, tears hushed as she slowly drank. He glanced back over to Lizz, who had in this short space of time managed to cover her head with the blanket, two pillows and her fluffy ear warmers. He chuckled lightly, running his free hand through the chaos of brown curls on his head. Alex knew with absolute certainty it was going to kill him when he had to leave them, in just 14 weeks time. Their band had yet another tour he was needed to complete and he knew he couldn't let the fans down, much less the rest of the band. He hadn't seen Zack and Rian since the birth of his daughter, though Jack had been the best Godfather, bringing round bunches of presents, playing with her in her baby gym, bouncing her up and down on his knees and singing nursery rhymes.  Alex hadn't seen Jack so enthralled with something since he brought him the subscription to Disney Channel. Just like everyone else, he was mesmorised by her, hooked. It was like she contained some hidden magic, her ability to make everyone love her. He already knew that one of Allena's first words would be 'Uncy Jack', as Jack, and the rest of the band, would be known to her as her Uncles. His parents had also been thrilled, though Alex had secretly wondered whether his Mother was just happy he was settled down and not having sex and drinking with random groupies. As Alex had been lost in his thinking, he realised Allena had finished half of her bottle. He lifted her up into his arms, circling and patting her back with his hand to unwind her, whilst wandering over to the curtain-drawn window. Reaching out, he slowly let in a chink of moonlight, which danced and swirled on the floor. As he looked up to the moon and the few stars that weren't polluted by the light of the dimmed street lamps.

"Hey bro, I know your up there." Alex murmured. "I miss you man. I miss you so much, everyday. I.." His voice cracked, before he cleared it quickly and resumed. "Here's my little girl, my little angel. I love her so much, it's crazy.  And I just wanted to let you know, she will always know her Uncle. You'll never, ever be forgotten. Your always here, always." As he placed Allena back into his arms, he realised her eyes were wide open too, staring up to the moon and stars, as the silvery moonlight bathed them in it's glow.

So there it is, I hope you like this guys and as always I appreciate any positive comments or criticism..but thanks for all the lovely things I've been hearing about my fanfiction! :) I love you Elizabeth, Molly, Shannon, Annabelle and Eloise, because your just supremeness. Follow me on twitter @PierceTheOlivia and I love all you readers so much! Thank you:)

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