Last Flight Home.

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I'll leave you standing watching all alone,

From that pane glass window one million miles away,

And I'm sorry when I tell you,

But I'm coming back someday. 

Wrapped in Alex's arms, Elizabeth's heart sank. Even the sky was a deep pitch black, menacing and gloomy, with fat raindrops that fell like bombs at her feet. But it only felt like yesterday when she had been like this, at this airport, going on tour with Alex. Once again, she felt so stupid for coming home when he had kissed that girl, but it had felt the right thing to do at the time. Now all she wished to do was turn back the clock. Alex had tried to convince Steve, their tour manager, to let Elizabeth come back with him, but the answer was a straight and well-deserved no. She knew she had caused enough trouble as it is. With Alex missing crucial tour dates when he had travelled to help when her Dad overdosed, the band had had to either pay venues a lot of money or re-schedule tour dates.Elizabeth also felt super guilty for all the fans that had missed out on seeing their idols, just because she had felt vulnerable and weak. But right now, she didn't regret a thing. Every thought was about the seperation she would endure from Alex, the constant broken emptyness inside. As the car reached the doors to the airport, they were whisked out and away from the small cluster of fans waiting by the doors. As they stepped inside, shaking the raindrops from their hair, Alex reached over and pulled her to the side. It was time. Time for goodbye.

"Lizz, baby." Alex whispered, putting his hands either side of her cheeks and his eyes locked with hers. "Don't forget me, yeah? Your my girl, my everything. I'll be back real soon. I love you." He pressed his rain-soaked lips gently to her forehead and Elizabeth let the tears come. With one last quick embrace, Alex headed towards the security area, giving her a quick wave and a sad smile. Elizabeth stood there, her Converse dripping onto the floor beneath her, too emotionally-drained to move. She shook herself, trying to be rid of the constant self pity. She told herself to think about all the soldier's wifes and girlfriends, who said goodbye to their loves never knowing if they would come home again. At least she knew the same Alex would be at her side in the future, the same Alex who made her world turn round and her head turn to mush. With actions that seemed almost robotic, she headed back outside and into the waiting car. Alone, once again.

                                                                  6 WEEKS LATER-

Elizabeth headed out the school gates for the last time, feeling steady relief that she wouldn't have to endure the harsh bullies that made her life hell. She wished that she had left at 16, instead of making the decision to carry on with her education. Now 18, she knew that she could finally be free and be whoever she wanted, with Alex. She pushed her earphones in. Hearing Alex's voice made her so happy, even if he couldn't be with her. Every night she would call him, sitting pushed up on her windowsill with her head against the panes, talking about everything and anything. If it was for 5 minutes or 5 hours, each conversation was perfect. As she smiled, she felt a wave of nausea hit her and she groaned. She had felt sick for the past two weeks, but going to the doctor's just wasn't an option. Just the thought of that waiting room made her stomach roll. It reminded her of her Mom, the countless times she went there as a child, waiting to hear if her Mommy had made it through this time.  She struggled down the next couple of streets, before giving in. She threw up discreetly and with as less noise as she could into the nearest trash can before continuing on her way home, sickness still swirling inside her. As she passed the blinking lights of the local chemist, the little brightly-coloured packages she could see on the aisles made her stop. A new type of sickness began to take over, the sickness of fear. She counted down how long it had been. Too long. Barely thinking straight, she headed inside and scanned the aisles. Tucked discreetly down a corner of the store were the thin, oblong boxes. So many choices! Elizabeth grabbed two at random and headed over to the counter. Passing over the money, she asked:

"Do you have any toilets in here?"

The worker eyed the boxes, before nodding and pointing over to a little door at the side. Elizabeth thanked her, grateful of her professionalism at this time. Opening the door and locking it, she ripped the object from the box, pulled down her jeans and did what she had to do. The minutes ticked by like hours. Finally,  with shaking fingers she held the thin white stick up to the light, she viewed the block writing written there.


She did it again with the other one, hoping for any change.


Postive. She was pregnant.

So after a lot of pressure(yep, Annabelle and Elizabeth I mean you) I decided to do this. I promise lots of exciting chapters to come guys, so please keep reading! Anna, Lizz, Molly, Shannon, Zoe I love you all. Thank you guys<3

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