Break Your Little Heart.

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Don't be so sentimental, no

This is love is accidental, so

Give it up, this was never meant to be

More than a memory for you

Elizabeth POV

She tried to get over it. It was just a kiss, just one kiss. She bet thousands of other girls boyfriends were doing that right now or worse. He had been drunk, alcohol was to blame, he wasn't thinking straight. Plus, was he even her boyfriend? She had assumed he was, but he hadn't ever asked her. I mean, going to a foreign country with a boy sort of qualified boyfriend-status right? She wasn't sure. She just knew she had been broken too many times in her life to risk anymore. Everything she touched seemed to turn to pieces, and there was nothing she could do about it. She hadn't been thinking straight since 'that' happened. Even afterwards it was all a blur. She remembered stumbling away from the club, hearing Alex calling her name. She hadn't looked back. Getting into the taxi that reeked of tobacco and whisky, driving back to the hotel. Being greeted by the rest of the management team, offering drinks of water, words of sympathy and reassurance that didn't register. Walking straight to the age-old computer that sat in the middle of the hotel lobby, with the crisp crumbs stuck inbetween the keys. She had booked a flight for that very night and headed to their room to pack. Alex had come into the room just as she was about to leave. He looked a mess. His hair was even more dishevelled than usual and he reeked of alcohol.

"Please, Elizabeth." He had begged. "I love you, don't leave me. I really f**king love you. I didn't mean it, you gotta believe me.."

"I know you do Alex, I know." Elizabeth whispered, tears threatening to spill. But she would not cry. She would not let him see how deeply his betrayal had cut her. "But it's not enough, ok? It's not enough."

Then she had walked out that room and left. When she arrived home, it was to her great relief she saw her sister, sober, strumming her old guitar. When she saw her, she jumped up in surprise.

"Honey, your home!?!" Libby said in alarm. "But you weren't meant to be back for ages, what's happened? Have you broke up with Alex?"

"Where's Dad?" Elizabeth asked calmy, ignoring her questions.

"He's down the garden, but.." Libby went on, but Elizabeth walked past her to the grimy kitchen window and saw her Dad, sitting on the old bench. Suddenly he wasn't her Dad anymore. He was a sad, lonely old man, lost in a world he could no longer understand. Just that sight of him, grubby Winter coat pulled up to the breeze, trousers rising above his ankles, a bald spot forming in his sparse locks, was enough to break the little pieces of dignity she was holding onto. And she began to cry, cry like there was no tommorow, because maybe there wasn't. Not anymore.

Alex POV

His head was a bundle of chaos, a jumble of heartbreak and guilt and pure, sick self-loathing. He had never felt this pain before, except when his brother died. Even then, he hadn't felt this hatred for himself, just for everyone in the world who deserved to die except his brother. Everyone was getting annoyed with him now, tired of his continual crappy comments and snappy mood. They had already had to cancel two concerts and Alex knew Steve wouldn't tolerate it any longer. In his eyes, it was his own fault, so why make everyone suffer? Which was a fair point when he thought about it. But was this what everyone expected now then? For it to be nothing, forgotten, her memory just a distant shadow in the many that would take up his life? End of the fairytale, close the book. Let the wicked witch live on, while the princess stayed locked up in her tower.. He hadn't even known why he did it really. She had been the nearest girl, and it had held no emotion, an empty kiss. Asking Zack to cover for him, knowing he wouldn't refuse, laying the blame on someone else. Alex knew he wouldn't forget her face when she had saw him with that girl, the look that was repeated in every love story gone wrong. Every single memory they had shared passed through his mind and he had realised then, just what Elizabeth meant to him. Too fu**cking late. He smacked his head with the palm of his hand and lay back against the pillows, cursing himself. He felt completely lonely. Now, not only was he without a girlfriend, he was without a best friend too. Because Annabelle had been Jack's girlfriend. And he had kissed her, without even thinking. Everything was messed up and he needed to fix things. He slowly got out of bed and walked towards Jack's bunk. Jack was awake, staring up at the ceiling.

"Jack, man?" Alex said. "Jack, look I'm so sorry." Jack didn't reply, just looked steadily upwards.

"Jack, please talk to me." Alex pleaded. "I didn't mean to, ok? I didn't even remember she was your girlfriend, thats how s**t-faced I was. You gotta believe me dude."

"I believe you Alex." Jack muttered, turning towards him. "But you have to give me time, because right now, it hurts too bad." Then he twisted round, so his back was towards Alex. Alex nodded and headed to his bunk. Then he let the painless numbing of sleep wash over his body, the only bit of happiness that he had achieved all day.

Yeah, so this chapter was a bit MOAN MOAN MOAN! It will lighten up a bit, the next few chapters. Thanks goes to the amazing E.Brimble<3 and the wonderful Zoe<3. Keeping reading please..(:

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