Sick Little Games.

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They're finding me out, I'm having my doubts

I'm losing the best of me

Dressed up as myself to live in the shadow

Of who I'm supposed to be

Alex awoke and stared down at the beautiful girl who lay asleep in the crook of his arm. Her hair was a tangle of curls trailing down past her shoulders and her eyes lay like clasped roses, the buds just waiting to open. You've got it bad man, he admitted to himself. Too bad. He remembered back to when he had a girl everynight and touring with just his friends had just been music and fun, lot's of it..he felt a stab of longing and quickly shook it off. She's your girlfriend, of sorts. Don't get any ideas. He reached over and kissed her on her forehead, before climbing over and pulling on some underwear and his pants and heading into the kitchen. Jack lay sprawled on the sofa, watching crappy daytime television. Alex made himself the biggest bacon sandwich in history, complete with ketchup and headed to the sofa.

"Thanks." Jack said, reaching over and taking a bite of Alex's sandwich. Great. "Had a good night last night?" He smirked at Alex, one eyebrow raised.

"It was alright, yeah.." Alex said, punching Jack playfully.

"Don't you mean SHE was alright?" Jack laughed, moving away from Alex's arm range. "Anyway, seeing as we aren't playing in the next town tonight, we said we should go out, get razzled. Come on.."

"Hell yeah, that sounds awesome." Alex said and the two of them headed up to the venue to pack away the gear. Pretty soon they were hitting the road. Elizabeth woke up sometime after eleven. As soon as she saw Alex her face flooded with colour and she raced back into the bedroom.

"What's up with her?" Jack asked.

"Erm, I think she feels a bit embarassed.." Alex said and Jack chuckled. She emerged again about 10 minutes later, her hair and eyeliner done perfectly. She went over to the armchair in the corner and sat there, not talking to anyone, her eyes to the floor. Alex went over.

"What's up?" He whispered.

"Oh, you know..stuff that went on..and I heard you discussing it with Jack." Elizabeth was suddenly fascinated with the wooden flooring.

"Babe, last night doesn't change anything." Alex said, hugging her lightly. "If anything, I love you even more." She smiled and after a bit of hesitation, came over to sit with the rest of them. Jack didn't stop teasing her all the way to the next place. They arrived at their hotel, which was clean and quiet, thought it was situated only 10 minutes away from the nearest bar areas(Jack had mentioned this with a wink.)

"Honey, get dressed up ok? We're going up town." Alex said, after they had checked in and were in their room.

"Erm no Alex, I don't think I want to go..up town." Elizabeth replied.

"Don't be stupid, we are going to have a good night, get really pi**ed." Alex smiled. "It will be really funny, I mean Rian is mental when he's drunk, last time he took all his clothes off and-"

"I don't want to go." Elizabeth interupted, turning away from him.

"Why you being difficult for, Lizz?" Alex asked. "Is it because of last night, because I enjoyed it, even if you didn't.."

"No Alex, I just don't like alcohol ok?" Her voice hardened.

"Don't be such a flipping baby, Elizabeth." Alex growled. "Grow up, jeez.."

"Alex, for three years I have had to see my sister come home, eyes rolling, not knowing who she is or who I am." She shouted. "I don't like it, I'm not coming, END OF!"

"Fine." Alex shouted back and stormed out the door. She heard him shout for the boys and the thunder as they headed down the stairs. Their first argument. Great.


He really didn't get why she was being such an idiot for. Yeah, her sister had alcohol problems, but Elizabeth didn't did she? He ignored all the others boys questions about her absence and just muttered a curt 'No' when Zack asked if she was coming later. They called a taxi and headed into the club scene. The air was abuzz with laughter and music-crappy music, but you couldn't get everything you wanted. They headed to a table and ordered three beers, as Zack didn't feel like drinking. When the rest were looking away, he saw Jack slip a shot of blue liquid out of a tiny glass bottle in his pocket into each glass. He held a finger up to his lips and Alex nodded, grinning. They all raised their glasses to their lips and drank.

Elizabeth POV

Really she had expected him to be back by now. The caring Alex she had gotten used to would have come back in 5 minutes, nevermind three hours. She sat restlessly, tapping her fingers on the mattress. Finally it was 1 AM and she knew the clubs would be closing about now. She decided to go up there, find Alex and apoligise for her behaviour. She realised that she had been unfair and she could have gone, without drinking alcohol. Grabbing her bag, she headed outside and into a taxi. She saw the neon-bright signs and gulped back the nausea that the memories cause her. On a night very like tonight, she arrived here to see her sister slumped in the gutter, covered in her own sick and her skin a yellowy tinge. Alcohol poisining, the docters had said. Yet, she'd still carried on afterwards. Elizabeth shook away the bad memories and headed inside the first club. Straight away she saw  Rian slumped at the bar, drinking shots whilst Jack lay under the table. She called Dave, the tour manager and told him to come pick them up. With a sigh, he agreed. She saw Zack looking boring in the corner. When he saw her, his eyes turned to alarm.

"Oh hey Elizabeth..what you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm looking for Alex, where is he?" She instantly saw she had asked the question Zack had desperately been hoping she wouldn't ask.

"He's..he's, erm.." Zack hesitated. She peered behind him and her whole body went numb with shock. Down the narrow hallway she saw Alex wrapped around some girl. Her arms were around his neck and he was kissing her like his life depended on it.

"NO!" Elizabeth shouted and Alex looked round, shock and guilt all over his face. His lips were smeered with bright red lipstick.

"Baby, who's this slut?" The girl asked, smirking.

"Annabelle, this is girlfriend." Alex explained. "Look Lizz, I'm so sorry, I can explain..Jack got us drunk.."

She didn't wait for his excuses. Elizabeth raced back outside and slumped against the wall. Her heart felt too heavy for her body, like a weight that was tieing her down. Anger and sadness churned inside her. Everything had been broken.

OKHAY, so this was a great chapter to write tbh. THANKINGYOU SHANNON AND ELIZABETH, for being my biggest fans and Zoe for admitting her love for Zac Efron. Keep reading, guys!(:

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