We Say Summer.

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Take a breath, let it out slow,

Seasons change with the break of a lifetime,

Remind me again why we thought twice about it,

We've got ambition like you've got restraint so

"My manager has agreed that you can come on tour with me, to America, as long as you cover half the travel-expense and there are a couple of privacy contracts you gotta sign." Alex gushed. "I guess..we can be together Lizz, just like we planned." Elizabeth sat as still as a rock, excitement and regret coursing through her veins. She would love nothing more than to get on that plane and have an amazing time, a Summer holiday she would always remember. It was the kind of thing the popular girls talked about at school and the type of romance that was featured in magazines and books. But she wasn't a character in a story and she had to think about what her Dad and her sister, the way they depended on her daily.

"Alex.." She sighed, close to tears. "I would love nothing more than to go away with you. It would the best thing ever, the most amazing thing that would ever happen to me. But I have to think of my family, my life..my Dad. I can't leave him alone, he would just fall to pieces. So what I'm trying to say is..I can't go." She heard Alex start to protest, but she was interrupted by the creak of her bedroom door and turned to see her Dad, a frown on his lips. She mumbled that she would call Alex back and turned to face him.

"Yes, you can." Her Dad said. "You deserve this, Elizabeth. You have been a better daughter than I could have ever wished for. Don't hold yourself back for me. Yes, I do depend on you. But I can get by and your sister has showed improvements in her lifestyle..So go, go to America. I love you." He leant down and carefully brushed his lips against her forehead, before quietly closing the door. Elizabeth sat, stunned for a while, before making up her mind. She called Alex's number.

"Hello?" He asked, uncertain. "Lizz is that you? Oh please say you have changed your mind, please.."

"Yes, I have." Elizabeth replied. "I'm coming with you Alex."

She heard Alex give a shout of happiness and she smiled.

"I will come pick you up in a hour." Alex said.

"An HOUR?" Elizabeth gasped, but he had already hung up. She raced over to her wardrobe and pulled out the dusty old suitcase. Inside sat the usual holiday mess. Broken sunglasses, layers of sand, smears of suncream. Elizabeth began tossing her clothes in. She didn't think she should pack for the beach, as the band would be touring, meaning not a lot of time for trips. She picked up her backpack and placed in a couple of paperbacks she had got for long-ago Christmasses, her CD player, her headphones, passport and the cash she had been saving for her college fund. She allowed herself one minute to feel guilty about this, then quickly banished it from her thoughts. She faced herself in the mirror and hardly recognised the happy, excited girl from the sad, silent one she had been a few months ago. After she was convinced she had got everything she could possibly need, she headed downstairs. Her Dad and her sister were eating dinner over the battered old dining table. To her surprise, they both got up and gave her a warm hug, though her Dads was slightly colder and robotic.

"Look after yourself." Libby smiled. "I don't want no boy breaking my little sisters heart."

"I'm sure Alex won't." Elizabeth reassured. "Look after Dad for me and please stay as sober as you can."

"I will and listen.." Libby's voice dropped to a low whisper. "I'm really trying Lizz, properly this time. I've joined Alcoholic's Anonymous, that group that supports Alchoholics. I think I can do it this time Elizabeth, I really do."

"I'm glad." Elizabeth said, really meaning it. Just then, she heard a knock on the door and saw Alex grinning through the window. "I've got to go now, I love you both." She hugged them both for the second time and ran out to Alex. He clung to her tightly, brushing Elizabeth's hair out her eyes and then gently leant down and kissed her. Wolf whistles sounded from the direction of the car and Elizabeth turned round to see the rest of Alex's band. He took her hand and guided her down to the open car door, placing her bag in the boot as he did so.

"Alright, knock it off now." He said, to more jeering. "This is Jack, Rian and Zack, the rest of All Time Low and the biggest twats in history." They all waved in a friendly manner and Elizabeth began to feel more comfortable. Alex held her hand the whole way to the airport. As soon as they got there, Elizabeth realized why the car had blacked-out windows and why each band member was wearing sunglasses. The crowd of people surrounding the outside of the building was massive. It mainly consisted of mainly girls, ranging from a little bit older than her to pre-teens. All of them screamed at the car approached and many seemed to be crying. Alex peered down at her to read her reaction and she just shrugged. She didn't want him to see that she was more than a little shocked about how famous his band obviously was. As they got out the car, screaming turned to hysteria and uniformed security guards were leading them quickly into the safety of the airport. They managed to get through luggage check and security before they were ambushed by a small crowd, all begging for autographs and pictures. The band signed them with a smile, and Elizabeth liked the commitment and love they showed their fans. Soon it was time for them to board the plane and as they headed down the narrow ramp towards the plane, Elizabeth thought about what an amazing turn her life had taken. Before she had basically been a nobody, someone had experienced some terrible things which had effected her her whole life. She had been bullied, trampled on and told to never expect anything better in life. Now she was a somebody, with dreams, expectations and she could expect a proper future. She settled down in the wide first-class seats and looked up at Alex, who smiled back at her. As the plane headed down the runway, he locked hands with hers and kissed her tenderly, and Elizabeth was lost in the moment of happiness.

I hope you enjoyed it guys, everything is happy again..YAAAAY! Again, this is dedicated to Miss Brimble(:

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