The Reckless And The Brave.

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Looking back at a life on the other side
I realize that I didn't fit in
Didn't hate it but I didn't quite relate it
To my precious little world.

Stirring her cup of tea absent-mindedly, Elizabeth sat at the dining table. Her other hand rested on her bump, legs crossed at the ankles. Sunlight streamed through the blinds, causing shards of light to cut through the chestnut wood. She began to play with the leftover grains of sugar, creating shapeless patterns and swirls. She heard footsteps in the corridor and turned round to see the love of her life, clad only in batman boxers, enter the kitchen.

"Hello sleepyhead." She said, smiling fondly.

Alex reached down and planted a quick kiss on her lips, before heading over and grabbing the open box of Coco Pops off the near shelf and drowning them with milk. Grabbing a spoon, he headed over to sit at the table and began to munch away.

"Sometimes, I really question if your not a child yourself you know." She said, eyebrow raised. "And we do own bowls, you don't need to eat them out the box."

"Look, eating Coco Pops not out the box is like playing a guitar without strings. It's just not worth it." He replied, in a knowledgeable tone. Elizabeth laughed, the sound filling the kitchen with warmth. It was at these times that Alex realised how much he loved the mother of his child. As the last chocolatey dregs were slurped up, he stretched and tossed the box into the trash can.

"So what have we got planned today, beautiful?" Alex asked.

"Well I was thinking we could go visit my Dad and then-" Elizabeth stopped, a wave of pain passing over her. She clutched at her bump, trying to breathe steadily. Alex rushed over, concern creasing his forehead.

"What's the matter? Honey, are you okay?" Alex questioned.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just one second." She said, voice muted as she tried to control the pain. Finally, it eased and she breathed a sigh of relief. "It's probably just Braxton Hicks..But I'm not sure, I've been having these all day and they're really painful."

"Should we go see the doctor, call the midwife?" He urged.

"No, no, I'm sure I'll be okay. Even if it is contractions, loads of Moms are in labour for hours before they need to go to the hospital." She replied. Alex was still full of concern, but he hid it quickly at the look on her face, the need for reassurence. He realised that behind the knowledge she had read and learnt in preparation for this, she didn't have a clue on what to do or how to cope when the actual time came. He decided to leave it a few hours, then persuade her to go to hospital and get checked.

"I don't really fancy going out today, actually. Why don't we just watch a DVD instead?" He asked.

Elizabeth's face brightened and they curled up on the sofa, two cups of steaming hot chocolate balanced between them. They sat and watched Grease for about the 100th time, singing along to the songs and bursting into laughter at the other's corny expressions. Everytime Elizabeth felt the pains, he would wrap his arms around her and whisper sweet nothings until it eased. As the ending credits rolled, Alex stepped up and began to dance around the coffee table, doing his best impression of Danny. One leg propped up on the sofa, he began to flex his muscles and Elizabeth had to wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes. As she lay her head back on the sofa, she felt the pain again, binding and so intense she couldn't stop the shriek from building and ripping it's way from her throat. Instantly, Alex was at her side and ushering her to the front door, tugging on her coat and grabbing the suitcase they had packed months in advance ready for the hospital. The thought that in hours they could have their little baby back here was overwhelming. Alex called over a taxi, not wanting to drive so he could concentrate on comforting her. As they began to drive away, Alex contacted both their parents, before texting the one dude he could depend on.

Hey, Jack. I'm about to become a Dad, so I could use your help some. Think you can get over here???

Straight away, he felt the buzz of his phone.

Already on my way dude.

Alex smiled, before reaching over and clutching Elizabeth's hand.


Sweat clung to the walls, dripping down Alex's forehead as Elizabeth's screams filled the air.

"One more push." The midwife encouraged. "Just one more Elizabeth."

"Come on my darling." Alex whispered, kissing her damp forehead. As her last scream sounded out, he heard the faintest of wails began to arise, growing stronger and stronger. With shaking fingers, he cut the umbilical cord and watched as his child was passed to Elizabeth. The feeling was so raw, so different he had to stand a minute to let it process. He was a father. He had a child. It was the best feeling in the world. As the nurses gently wrapped his baby in a blanket, he shot a questioning glance at Elizabeth.

"It's a girl." She beamed.

Love for his little daughter filled him, in an intensity he could never have expected. Alex reached out and Elizabeth passed her to him, Elizabeth's smile as radient as the sun. His baby's skin was soft and light against his hand. Her hair tickled his arm, like a feather in a breeze. As Alex kissed her dainty forehead, he knew that in that moment she was the most precious thing in the world to him. She felt so fragile in her arms, like a china doll but with beauty far greater. Tears slipped down his cheeks, not not in sadness, but in awe at the tiny angel he looked at. Her eyes were closed, but Alex knew that the sparkle lay under the clasped lids, like buds opening into a rose. Her nails were stretched out like a starfish, each nail pink and perfect. He knew then, that this little girl had stolen his heart, and, as he passed her to a delighted Jack, that she would change his world forever.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I thought this was super sweet, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :) Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I was on holiday so I didn't get chance. Love you all! x

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