Oh, Calamity!

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When I was younger I was certain

That I'd be fine without a queen

Just a king inside his castle

With an ocean in between

Now all I do is sit and count the miles from you to me

Oh, calamity

The smells of hairspray and banging doors filtered down from the stairs above, mixed with the occasional frustrated yells and shouts of 'MOM' that seemed almost continuous. Laughing a little to himself, Alex sat in the suit he'd been wearing for a good two hours and tried to immerse himself in the big scale soccer game he was watching on tv. Engrossing in his only escape from a household lacking in testerone lately had filtered into watching sports or picking up his guitar - and right now soccer with the sound turned right up with his best option. After one last cuss word, what sounded like shattering glass and enough perfumes and sprays to burn a hole in the ozone layer filtering down from upstairs, his two ladies descended from their bedrooms. Elizabeth claimed his eyes first and he was knocked back at how pretty she was, even after being together for how long they had. Tightly curled brown hair was lifted into a complex hair-do, leaving curls to drift down and frame her dainty features. Her dress shaped and clung to her hourglass figure, leaving Alex feeling dry-mouthed and wanting. Seeing his expression she giggled a little, clearly delighted with this reaction, open red-stained lips laughing behind her hand. Stepping over to him, her hand found his waist and her lips against his mouth, quietly providing him his reward for waiting as long as he had. A loud, indignant cough cleared Alex's mind a little and he moved away a little, Elizabeth now a little embarassed at his side. All too often they forgot they weren't the lovestruck teenager anymore. Wearing an irritated look that bordered along the nauseated, Allena stood at the foot of the stairs. Browney-blonde hair, almost the exact shade of Alex's own, curcled down her back, thick and beautiful and a reminder of why Elizabeth fiercely refused to let her have it cut. Knowledge of makeup and its uses had found its way into their daughters mind at sometime this year and she'd learned quickly - lashings of mascara and lipstick making her seem too old to be his teenage kid. Since when did she grow up so quickly? Alex remembered back to when she'd been a baby, then a toddler, then a child and not getting to see her between tours had been heartbreaking. Now, she was aged eighteen and, as any father does at the age he realises his child is finally okay without him, he wished for that time back more than ever. I mean eighteen? EIGHTEEN? How had that happened? 

"Dad? Dad are you listening to me?" Allena's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he smiled at her disgruntled look warmly. Her dress also clung to her figure and was a LOT too short for Alex's liking, but he knew better than to tell her to change. 

 "Yes dear?" He asked in reply to her question. 

"We're ready to go now.." She said, in the same voice you'd use to speak to the mentally unwell and Alex turned to see Elizabeth already at the door, wrapped in her favourite fake-fur coat. Smoothing down his suit and checking his hair for the last time, Alex proceeded his girlfriend and daughter down the pathway and into the waiting car. Elizabeth had agreed to drive tonight, with the excuse of Alex being able to drink with his friends, but he knew that wasn't the real reason. They'd been trying for a while now and Elizabeth was adament that she wanted no reason to not fall pregnant. Glancing at his wife, he was happy to see her worried look over the last few months over her difficulty in conceiving a child was gone for now and he placed a comforting hand on her thigh. She smiled at him, eyes understanding, and reversed out of their spot. Allena was already doing the most expected - and completely illegal - thing of leaning inbetween them and taking control of the stereo. 

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