If These Sheets Were States.

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If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away,
I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me.
Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me.
I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.

Alex turned over in his bunk, watching the glow of his laptop dim and then fade. The only sounds were the heavy breathing of Jack, Rian and Zack echoing through the small space, the creaking as the bus swayed and the occasional beeping of the cars that passed by unseen. He thought about crying. Isn't that what everyone does when they miss loved ones? These senseless drips of salt and water, that neither numbed nor changed the misery that seemed to press on Alex like a burdened weight, day by day. Crying was something that Alex had become accustomed to though, simply for it seemed the right thing to do and provided him with an excuse to leave the kind, but sometimes over-caring attitude of his band members. See, they didn't really understand. Yes, some had steady girlfriends and family at home, but Alex just knew it wasn't the same. Now though, he just lay there, in the dead of night, lost in emotions and thoughts. He knew he should sleep, he had a sold out show tomorrow, but his mind was too full to contemplate the idea of peace. Reaching out for the photograph that was blu-tacked against the wall, his heart swelled once again. Staring back at him was the beaming smile of his daughter, strapped into her high chair and covered from head to toe in banana, clutching a spoon with a grip almost fierce with victory. Standing behind her, banana dripping from her face, clothes and strands of hair, stood a slightly bemused Elizabeth, shock written all across her features, yet Alex could tell she was on the verge of laughter. This had been taken a couple of days before Alex had had to leave for the tour and it was a memory that filled him with happiness and of love for his beautiful family. Then 9 months old, Allena was just starting to experiment with foods and Elizabeth had taken the slightly precarious decision to allow her to feed her daily snack herself. Though only a baby, Alex had a strong feeling that Allena knew exactly what she'd done and was mighty happy about it. Chuckling to himself, he pressed the thin paper to his lips and kissed first Elizabeth, then Allena and stuck it back against the wall. Then with a sigh, he lay back against the pillows, hands behind his head and closed his eyes, though he knew sleep wouldn't provide mercy for a long while.


'Peekaboo!' She exclaimed, removing her hands from her delighted daughter's eyes. Her baby rolled with laughter, which soon turned to fits of giggles as Elizabeth began to gently tickle her. Lizz laughed too, the sight of her daughter soon causing her to crack up. As she began to blow raspberries against Allena's belly, she noticed her daughter yawn slightly inbetween the chuckles and scooped her up into her arms.

"Are you getting tired little missy?" She asked her, stroking the soft hair that adorned her daughter's head, staring into the eyes that was the exact copy of Alex's. After a while of rocking her, Allena began to get fidgety and Elizabeth knew she wanted her bottle over tiredness.  She headed downstairs, strapping Allena into her bouncy chair and then proceeded to make the bottle, staring out into the garden and night sky as she did so. She always wondered if Alex was looking out at the same stars she was, but she knew it was unlikely, as he was on a tour bus and would probably be sleeping early due to exhaustion anyway. Smothering a sigh, she walked back to her now crying daughter, whispering sweet comforts and pushing the bottle lightly into her mouth. As Allena stopped wailing, Elizabeth carried her upstairs and held her in her arms as she fed. Afterwards, she lay back into the blankets, Allena snuffling into her neck, love and sadness fighting against each other in her mind. Oh how she missed her sweet, beautiful rockstar. How she wished the tour could end now and have him in her arms once again, Allena have her Father in these crucial months as she growed and changed.   The moon shone it's pale light through the windows, and, as Elizabeth began to slip into slumber, she heard Allena whisper, half-asleep 'Lana Daddy.' Allena Daddy. Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears, sadness fighting the battle to claim her restless thoughts once again.

So yeah there it is guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the reaaaally long wait for this, I had writers block for a while and I didn't want to put out a stupid, rubbish chapter for you guys, instead of waiting a little while for a better one. Tell me what you think and thank you so much for reading. Oh and follow me on Twitter if you want @_TheHitcher, come say hey! Thanks :')

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