Chapter Three

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That evening, Hermione looked at herself in the full length mirror standing in the corner of her room. Her gown was a deep scarlet. It was floor-length with a halter top, although the neck piece was gold. The top, right up until the bottom of the rib cage, was fitted, and the bottom was loose, decorated with intricate golden flowers and vines. She wore matching scarlet gloves that went from her elbows to her wrists, where they ended in golden cuffs. Her shoes, a pair of scarlet slippers charmed to be more comfortable, only just peeked out from beneath the skirt of her dress, and her hair was pulled up into a braided bun to reveal her golden dangles.

Hermione smiled at her reflection. Yes, this would work just fine. She couldn't wait to see Malfoy's reaction to her obvious Gryffindor colors. It would be priceless, she was sure. Perhaps she should take a picture... No, she'd just save the memory later.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Hermione heard a knock at her front door. She grinned again, sliding her wand into the brace hidden along her right glove, and made her way downstairs. "It's open!" Odd. Malfoy normally let himself in, waiting in the kitchen or front room for her to realize that he was there. Maybe he was trying to be more authentic for their 'date' tonight.

"Oi," There in her front room stood Ron Weasley, mouth agape as he took in her outfit. He chuckled nervously, smiling. "Did I miss something?"

"Ron, oh, uh," Hermione sputtered a bit, looking for an explanation that wouldn't sound like she and Malfoy were actually dating yet without giving away that they were pretending to date.

Naturally, Malfoy chose that exact moment to show up, in a full suit of course. "Hey, Hermione, are you ready to--" He stopped, noticing first what Hermione was wearing and then that Ron was there. "When I said formal, I was thinking more... Slytherin colored."

"Oh, I'm sure you were, Draco," Hermione shot back with a small smile, trying to ignore the confusion on Ron's face. "Unfortunately for you, I am not a Slytherin person."

"Well, we'll just have to change that, won't we, love?" Malfoy's smirk made her scowl. He was up to something. A second and a spell later, her clothes were changed from scarlet and gold to emerald green and silver. Malfoy stowed his wand away again. "Much better, wouldn't you say?"

"What's going on here?!" Ron's face was quite red, and he looked more than a little upset. Hermione knew that he didn't particularly like Malfoy, despite his reformation, but she didn't know why Ron would be so upset. They were just friends, and Ron had recently made it quite clear that that was all they would ever be.

Malfoy quirked an eyebrow, mischief showing in his expression. "Didn't Hermione tell you? She's attending the annual Malfoy holiday party as my date. I suppose it's only to be expected, given how much we see one another here..."

"Malfoy!" Hermione snapped. Now she would definitely have to explain things to Ron later. Harry, too, if Ginny didn't fill him in beforehand.

"What is it, Hermione?" Malfoy asked innocently. "And I thought you insisted we call each other by first name. That is, after all, something couples tend to do."

"C-Couple?!" Hermione was surprised that Ron was still conscious. Having that much blood in his head couldn't be healthy.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Weasley," Malfoy spoke to the red-faced redhead, "but you need to leave. Hermione and I have a party to attend." He inclined his head towards the Weasley, although Hermione was well aware that he was mocking Ron. Ron was probably aware of it too. "Until next time."

Still trying to comprehend everything he'd seen and heard, Ron turned around and walked out of the house. Hermione walked over to Malfoy and hit his arm. "Draco!"

"Back to first names, are we, love?" Malfoy asked, tone teasing. He offered his arm to her. "We really should be going though."

Hermione frowned at him before she smirked, admittedly not on the level of a Malfoy smirk but close. "But of course, Draco darling. Just one second." While Malfoy blinked, mildly surprised that she'd played along so quickly, Hermione brought out her wand and undid the spell on her clothes, returning them to their original colors and adding countermeasures to prevent it from happening again. "Alright. I'm ready!"

Malfoy shook his head as Hermione slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow and they Disapparated. Only moments later, they stood in the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor. Hermione closed her eyes a second, adjusting to the shift. "The rest of the guests should be here any time now. Are you ready for this?"

Theodore Nott, Astoria and Daphne Greengrass, and Blaise Zabini walked into the manor with their families, chatting quietly amongst themselves. They stopped dead in their tracks when they saw Hermione standing next to Malfoy in all her Gryffindor glory.

Hermione smiled at them as she leaned her head on Draco's shoulder. She spoke quietly and without losing her smile, "Too late to back out now."

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