Chapter Nine

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"I never want to get on a broom again," Hermione groaned. They'd just gotten back to the outskirts of the forest, and Hermione was sore from so long on the broom.

Draco just laughed at her, handing their borrowed broom off to Miles, who took it and the other brooms and left. None of them were sad to see the tour guide go. "I don't know what you've got to complain about. I'll probably have bruises from you gripping me so tight." Mindful of the other two, Draco wrapped an arm around her shoulders and added in a hushed tone, "Sorry for making you come. I know you aren't fond of flying."

Hermione offered a brief smile at the apology. "It's fine. This just means you can't complain no matter what kind of favor I call in."

"Now that's not fair," Draco protested. Hermione shushed him, and Draco continued more quietly, "Come on, Hermione. Be reasonable."

"Just what do you think you'll have to do?" Hermione arched an eyebrow at the blond, hiding her amusement with a smirk.

"I don't know," Draco huffed. "That's the problem."

Hermione laughed. "Then I doubt it's any consolation that I don't know either."

When Pansy and Roman walked over, Hermione offered a small smile. It seemed pointless not to try being friends with the other girl; they'd both just survived a Miles Limerick tour after all. It was certainly a bonding experience if nothing else.

"We're heading back now," Pansy said. "Roman has an early start at work tomorrow, and I have some things to take care of as well."

Draco let go of Hermione to give Pansy a brief hug and shake hands with Roman. "Thanks for inviting us, Pansy. Despite Miles' best attempts, it was a good time."

"We'll have to get together again sometime," Roman said. "You two can pick since Pansy and I chose this time."

Hermione gave a slightly tighter smile than before. "We'll have to figure something out and let you know."

Pansy and Roman agreed before grabbing their things and apparating away. Before they left, though, Pansy surprised Hermione by hugging the Gryffindor girl with a promise of just the two of them hanging out without the boys. Hermione didn't know how she felt about that, but she wasn't immediately opposed as she thought she would be.


When they got back to Hermione's house, she turned to Draco and crossed her arms. "Well, it's our turn to pick what to do. How many times are we gonna have to do this? Pansy is clearly happy with Roman so there's not really any reason to keep pretending we're seeing each other."

"I know, but you've got to admit that you had fun," Draco returned with a smirk. "Pansy's not so bad now, is she?"

Hermione sighed but let her arms fall to her sides. "Alright, so maybe Pansy is kinda cool when she isn't trying to mess with me, and the tour was pretty nice once we ignored Miles."

"Hermione Granger ignoring an authority figure. Now I've seen everything." Draco laughed and chose not to acknowledge Hermione's scowl, knowing she was teasing as much as he was. "Anyways, if you want to get together with them again, we can say we had an amicable break-up and are just going as friends. Or I suppose I could tell Pansy that we weren't seeing each other to begin with and I was just trying to avoid dating her... That would probably go well."

"A true testament to the Malfoy ego," Hermione couldn't help adding, scowl turning into a mischievous smirk, "assuming any girl who looks at him likes him."

"Well now, I'm usually right," Draco said. "And I'd rather notice all the people looking my way than be oblivious to them like some people I know."

Hermione just laughed, heading into the kitchen to make them some tea. It seemed Draco would be around for a bit. She was just pouring the steaming drink into a pair of mugs when Draco came into the kitchen with a notebook in his hand. "Hey, Hermione, what's this?"

Hermione glanced at the notebook when he set it on the counter. It was already open to a page of flat listings. She must've left it sitting on the end table. "Just what it looks like. I'm trying to find a flat." She handed over his mug of tea before moving the notebook and her mug out of the way and hopping onto the counter. Looking Draco in the eyes, she said, "I've been taking advantage of your offer for more than long enough. It wouldn't be fair of me to keep staying here."

"But it isn't any trouble," Draco said quickly. "It's not like you're imposing. Mother already said she didn't mind either."

"I can take care of myself, Draco, and it's about time I started doing so," Hermione said, cupping her mug in her hands and letting the warmth seep into her fingers. She looked down into the dark liquid, hints of steam still wafting over the rim of the mug. "I'll let you two know when I find a place."

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