Chapter Thirteen

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The next several weeks passed in a blur. When Hermione wasn't busy with work or getting her flat furnished, she was at the Weasleys going over information with Harry and Ron or at the Malfoys helping Draco and his mother. Soon enough, Lord Malfoy's original release date came and went. It was a stressful day. He didn't return home.

Luckily, with Madam Bones' assistance, the Malfoys were able to keep anything from truly stalling in the courts. Although a week and a half later than he was supposed to be, Lucius Malfoy was soon back at the manor. Hermione didn't go over.

She was halfway through the main foyer at the Ministry, headed home for the weekend, when Lord Malfoy stopped her, although he didn't look like he knew quite where he was going with it. Everyone gave them a wide berth, more invested in getting home themselves than intervening in whatever business the recently released Malfoy might have with a Ministry employee. Hermione put on a smile and asked, "Can I help you with something, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Ah, ehem, yes," Lucius cleared his throat, seeming to gather himself. "I thought it best to be forthcoming in this particular... circumstance." At Hermione's confused look, he continued, "My wife and son have been informing me of what I missed and of you and your friends' aid in my return home..." If she didn't know better, Hermione would think the head of the Malfoy family was uncomfortable. "I wanted to thank you, and, seeing as you are currently dating my son, I thought it best to invite you to dinner at the manor tomorrow evening."

"I, um... What?" Hermione blinked rapidly. Lucius Malfoy was the last person she expected an invitation from to pretty much anywhere. On top of that, though, it seemed she and Draco needed to clear things up with his parents. For the time being, Hermione just shook her head lightly and smiled again. She wasn't about to explain to Draco's father that they weren't actually dating until Draco was there to suffer through the embarrassment with her. "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Malfoy. Have a good evening."

Lucius looked as glad to end the conversation there as she did, so they parted ways once he said Draco would come get her the next day. It was only after she was back in her flat that Hermione really registered what had just happened.


The next afternoon, Draco knocked on the door to her flat at three thirty, earlier than she'd been expecting him. Hermione closed the book she was reading, setting it on the counter as she opened the door. Draco stepped inside, offering a smile and a quick hello, and Hermione hopped onto the counter beside her book. "So your parents think we're dating."

"Yeah, Mother said that before I had a chance to explain anything," Draco said, turning a light shade of pink. "I thought Father would explode or something, but... he didn't seem to mind. Just said something like 'at least she's smart' and said we should have you over for dinner."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Not that I don't appreciate your parents' approval or whatever, Draco, but we seriously need to tell them we aren't dating."

Draco nodded. "I know. About that, Hermione, I've been meaning to tell you something. Ask you something? I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Ok," Hermione said with a hint of suspicion. "It isn't that Pansy and Roman are planning something again, is it?"

"No, no," Draco waved his hand, chuckling a little. "It's our turn to plan the double date, remember?" More seriously, he added, "Hermione, I wanted to ask you if it would be alright for..." He cleared his throat and tried again. "I was wondering if you'd consider going out with me for real."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Draco fidgeted a little, but he didn't say he was joking. In fact, he looked even more serious. "Would you like to go on a real date with me?"

"Right now? I'm pretty sure your parents won't appreciate us skipping out on whatever dinner thing your dad has planned, and... What?" Draco was looking at her in a mix of amusement and hopefulness.

"That's not a no, and my parents will understand. They could use a night to themselves anyway."

"Alright then," Hermione said, sliding off the counter. She tilted her head up just enough to make eye contact with Draco. "Where do you want to go?"

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