Chapter Eight

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The next morning, Hermione was loathe to leave the warmth of her sleeping bag. Despite the warming charms interwoven in the tent, there was nothing quite as cozy as staying under the covers, or inside a sleeping bag in this case. She knew Pansy was up and dressed already, having hung a spare blanket across the middle of the tent, and that she should get up and change soon as well.

With a sigh, Hermione sat up and pulled her backpack over. She rummaged around for a minute, then two. "What in the--" Hermione dug deeper into her backpack. Nothing. Where were her clothes for today? She really didn't want to have to rewear yesterday's clothes.

"Is everything alright, Hermione?" Pansy looked over at the Gryffindor, head tilting to the side, as she sat on her rolled up sleeping bag. An herbology book sat open on the Slytherin's lap. "You look a bit frazzled. Did you not sleep well?"

"I slept fine," Hermione said, not completely paying attention. "I can't find the clothes I packed for today."

"Oh, well that's an easy fix," Pansy said, closing her book and setting it to the side. "Just ask Draco to borrow his extra set."

"What? No!" Hermione shook her head frantically. No way was she about to ask Draco to borrow his clothes. He'd make fun of her for sure, especially after what she'd said yesterday.

"Don't be so shy. It really isn't a big deal," Pansy pressed. "He always takes at least one extra set of clothes when he goes camping. We went once with Blaise, Daphne, and Astoria, and Blaise ended up having to borrow a shirt 'cause Astoria 'accidentally' pushed him into a creek." Pansy laughed before standing up. "I'll go ask Draco for you."

"No, Pansy, that really... isn't necessary..." Hermione sighed again. "And she's already gone."

Only a minute later, Pansy was back. She handed a shirt and hoodie to Hermione with a grin. "Told you it wasn't a big deal. Hurry and get changed so we can take the tent down. Roman's almost got breakfast ready."

Hermione looked at the borrowed clothes with some suspicion. Of course this would be what he leant her. Shaking her head, Hermione resolved not to be picky. She changed into the long-sleeved gray shirt before pulling the hoodie over her head. Looking down at it, she took in the green 'Slytherin Quidditch' against the black, the back having a large 7 with 'Malfoy' above it. Where had Draco even gotten this? As far as she knew, Hogwarts didn't have any muggle-styled merchandise. Maybe Madam Malkin was branching out?

Brushing off the thought, Hermione pulled her hair back into a bun, not bothering to deal with it today. She packed her things and left her backpack for the time being, slipping into her hiking boots and lacing them up before heading out of the tent.

"Just in time, love." Draco came up beside her, draping his arm over her shoulders. While she would normally get irked or at least teasingly brush him off, Hermione welcomed the warmth in the morning chill. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes," Hermione said. She turned her head to look up at Draco. "How about you?"

"It would have been better if you were there instead of Roman," Draco said immediately, smirking. "Nice guy, sure, but he talks in his sleep. Very much in love with Pansy, by the way. I think a proposal may be coming up."

"Draco! Hush, what if Pansy hears you?" Hermione couldn't help thinking it would be cute if Roman proposed to Pansy. Given how he'd asked her out and Pansy's sudden interest in herbology and flower languages, Hermione had no doubt it would involve flowers and be quite meaningful to the both of them.

"Come on, you guys!" Pansy called from her spot beside the fire. Roman was crouched a bit in front of her, flipping pancakes on a griddle. He looked up briefly at Pansy's call, smiling at Draco and Hermione, before stacking the pancakes on a plate.

"Breakfast is done. Let's eat quickly so we can break camp before it gets too late in the day," Roman said. Draco walked over to them, Hermione next to him as his arm was still over her shoulder. After they'd gotten their breakfast, Hermione found herself seated far closer to Draco than she'd normally sit. Draco looked at her, seeming like he was going to say something, then turned away. Hermione refrained from rolling her eyes. He'd tell her what he needed to eventually.

A minute or two later, he did. "You... look good, Hermione."

"Are you just saying that because I'm wearing something that's yours or something that has Slytherin on it?" Hermione replied, amused.

Draco smirked. "Well, now, what's wrong with either of those? Guess I did pack more than you, love, although you were the one to forget something."

"Yeah, yeah," Hermione rolled her eyes, but she was laughing too. "I knew you were going to bring that up."

They finished up breakfast quickly. Hermione and Draco handled the dishes while Roman and Pansy took down the tent. They were ready to go about ten minutes later, just waiting on their tour guide. Miles must have been keeping an eye on when they were ready to go or something because he had his tent broken down and was ready to go within five minutes of their packing up.

"Ready to go, love?" Draco asked, shouldering his backpack. He pulled Hermione to her feet, picking up her backpack and handing it to her.

Hermione laughed, slipping her backpack on and ignoring the slight pang of apprehension at yet another day spent on a broom. A bit dryly, she said, "Oh, yeah. I can't wait."

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