Chapter Sixteen

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"Draco, has the post come in yet?" Hermione called from upstairs. She knelt down to look for her other shoe under the bed, having already checked the closet and the rest of the room.

Her fiance's voice sounded from the kitchen, "Just arrived, love. Also, your mother called. She wants you to call back when you've got the time."

Hermione straightened up, missing shoe in hand, before gathering the rest of her things and making her way downstairs. She stood on tiptoe to press a quick kiss to Draco's cheek as he expertly flipped a piece of french toast. "Alright. I'll do that once I'm home from work. Our reservation isn't until 7 right?"

Draco flashed her a smile, plating their breakfast and turning off the stovetop. "Right. But that doesn't mean you can work until six thirty then come through like a whirlwind of paperwork and business robes."

Hermione laughed. "I won't, I won't. Promise." She rested a hand on Draco's briefly. "Thank you for making breakfast, darling."

"Of course. Now hurry and eat before it gets cold!"

Hermione nodded, eating the food quickly before rinsing her plate in the sink. She stopped long enough to kiss Draco and say "Happy Anniversary" before she was out the door.


"I know, Mum," Hermione smiled as she cradled the phone between her head and shoulder, putting the finishing touches on her gift for Draco. "Yes, of course I'll call Grandma and Grandpa this weekend... Yes... Mmhm... Alright. Bye, Mum. I love you. Tell Dad I love him too!"

Hermione hung up the phone and stepped back to admire her handiwork. She was sure Draco would love what she got him, but she was almost equally proud of the wrapping. Dark red paper, tied with a silver bow and covered in an array of snake and lion doodles. She'd signed the note as "Your second-favorite Gryffindor," a running joke between them because of how much of their school years Draco spent trying to interact with Harry.

She looked up just as Draco walked into the room, a similar-sized gift wrapped in green in his hands, and Hermione laughed. "Seems we're doing gifts before dinner this year."

Draco nodded, setting his gift beside hers on the bed. "And our wrapping theme is the same." Sure enough, his green and gold gift had a snake and lion pattern on the wrapping paper.

"Same time?" Hermione asked, settling on the bed beside the gift Draco had gotten her.

"Same time," Draco agreed, sitting down and tugging the red-wrapped gift closer to himself.

As if on a silent cue, the two pulled the bows at the same time, proceeding to carefully unwrap the paper and open their gifts.

Hermione pulled out a dark blue sweater, one that she knew would go to her fingertips if she put it on. There was a small note that fell from the folds when she lifted the sweater, and Hermione picked it up. "You always looked better in it than me." Under the blue sweater was a white shirt that said "His" in a black-type cursive, and Hermione laughed.

Draco looked over from holding up a black shirt with "Hers" written in white. He was clearly amused as he said, "It's like we coordinated, but I know we didn't." All Hermione could do was gesture for him to keep looking.

What Draco pulled out next sent Hermione into a whole new fit of laughter as he just stared at her, holding up a Gryffindor quidditch hoodie with the name Potter on the back. It had taken a while to track one down since they'd graduated some time ago, but it was well worth it.

Draco, recovering from the surprise, although he supposed it really shouldn't have been because Hermione was friends with the Weasley twins for a reason, just smirked and said, "How did you know, love?" He tugged it on over his dress shirt and looked down as if admiring his new hoodie. "I'll never take it off again!"

Hermione shook her head, "That's up to you, I suppose, but the second wearing that constantly ruins your care routine, you'll regret it."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," Draco said, standing up and offering his hand to help her up as well. "Just so long as Potter doesn't end up with a picture of me on his desk. I'd hate to make Ginny jealous."

"Jealous? She'd probably want a copy." Hermione took his hand, fighting not to smile, and let him pull her to her feet before the two of them headed out to their dinner reservation.

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