Chapter Four

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Hermione stood next to Draco and Narcissa, who had joined them in the foyer as soon as everyone began arriving, as the Malfoys greeted their guests. Most of them brushed right passed her, although Blaise did say hello. What surprised her more than anything else was when Pansy arrived with the rest of the Parkinson family. She had a date! Hermione shot a quick look at Malfoy, who seemed equally surprised, before the two of them greeted the new arrivals.

"Draco dear, it's so good to see you," Pansy said coyly, smiling at the platinum-haired young man. She turned her gaze to Hermione, who noted a slight calculating look in Pansy's eyes despite her continued smiling. "And Hermione! I have to admit, when Draco said that he had a date I didn't expect him to mean you."

Hermione flushed a little bit, knowing it was because of her Muggle-born status, but she didn't reply. Draco simply gave Pansy a side hug and welcomed her to the party.

Before she walked away, though, Pansy's eyes widened slightly as if she'd forgotten something important. "Oh, that's right! You haven't met Roman have you?" They shook their heads, and Pansy motioned to the tall youth next to her. "Then let me introduce you. Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, this is Roman Fyrelite. Roman, this is Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, two of my yearmates at Hogwarts."

"It is a pleasure to meet you," Roman said, inclining his head. Hermione couldn't quite place his accent. "Pansy spoke of you both."

"I'm sure," Hermione said sarcastically before she could stop herself. She quickly pasted on a close-lipped smile before she could say anything else. Roman's golden-brown eyes widened a little, seeming surprised by the way she answered, his dark eyebrows rising to be hidden by his equally dark hair. Nevertheless, he simply smiled again before taking Pansy's hand in his own, highlighting just how much tanner he was than her, and leading her into the party, where Hermione could hear her continuing to introduce him to the others.

As soon as everyone had arrived, Hermione turned towards Draco. Never once losing her composure, she said, as pleasantly as she could, "Draco, you didn't tell me Pansy is seeing someone." The real commentary was easy to read: 'If she has a date, why am I here?'

Draco smiled at her, trying not to be frustrated that his mother forgot to mention Pansy's plus-one. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't know either." Changing the topic, he held his arm out to her with a slight incline of his head. "Would you care to move into the ballroom?"

"I'd love nothing more," Hermione replied, slipping back into her role for the evening. Whether or not Pansy had a date of her own, Hermione had agreed to help Draco out. Even if it meant being around a lot of people who didn't particularly like her. She hooked her arm under his, hand resting on his forearm, and let Draco lead her towards the other room.

All the eyes on them made her uncomfortable, but Hermione didn't let it show. She stood straight and kept her chin held high. There was no reason to draw into herself here; these people couldn't say a thing to hurt her. She refused to be hurt by them. With such thoughts on her mind, Hermione withheld a sigh. It was going to be a long night.

"Dance with me, Hermione," Draco said suddenly, also painfully aware of everyone's gazes. He drew her onto the dance floor, hands going to her hips as she rested her arms on his shoulders, fingers interweaving loosely behind his neck. The music was quiet, muted by the chatter of the guests, but it was loud enough. As the slow tempo sank into them, matching their steps, the rest of the room faded away. Draco's head came down by Hermione's ear, "Thank you for agreeing to come tonight, Hermione. It... means a lot to me."

Hermione's eyes widened slightly, and she turned her head to look at Draco just as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, closer to her mouth than intended if his own widened eyes were anything to go by. Neither knew what to do after that, so they simply continued to dance, drawing closer to one another with each passing song. Aside from a few minutes here and there where Draco interacted with his guests, they didn't stray from the dance floor except to get a drink or to sit out the occasional song.

Before long, the night was wrapping up. Just like that, the party was over, and everyone was going home. Hermione was surprised. The evening had passed far more quickly than she'd expected, and she found that she'd enjoyed herself.

Draco Apparated her back home, insisting that it was his duty as a gentleman, and she couldn't help the laugh that accompanied her eye roll. They said their goodbyes outside the front door. As Draco turned to leave, Hermione said, "Draco!" He turned back with a questioning look, and Hermione stepped forward to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thanks for inviting me. Tonight was nice." She disappeared into the house, leaving a confused Draco behind.

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