Chapter Seventeen

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"Do we have to be here? I mean, really," the young woman speaking had slightly-frizzed brown hair and a dark green high-low dress, "we haven't seen Hermione in how long? And suddenly she's getting married?"

"I dunno, Hallie," the young man standing next to her, dark curls a mess that might have been intentional, looked over at her, equally dark eyes reflecting the sunlight as he moved them towards their seats in the outdoor venue. "I'm looking forward to seeing Hermione again. We've all been so busy lately that it'll be a good chance to see everyone again."

Hallie scoffed. "Sure. Because I really wanted to spend my long weekend visiting family instead of hanging out with my friends."

"At least you don't have a paper due tomorrow evening," another boy replied, turning from his spot in the row in front of them. "I knew I shouldn't have procrastinated so much." Offering a small smile to the others, he added, "Hey, Hallie. Hi, Jordan."

"Hey, Alex," Jordan replied. "Paper, huh? That sucks."

"You're so lucky that you've already graduated, Jordan," Hallie groaned. "I have a huge presentation coming up, and my group members have been completely useless so far."

The cousins continued chatting amongst themselves, saying hi to other family members when they arrived, but they didn't pay much attention to the other side of the wedding, the groom's side. That is, until Alex looked over and said, "Is that guy wearing a robe?"

The other two, as well as their grandfather, looked over to the man in question. Sure enough, he was wearing what looked like an elaborate set of robes.

They dismissed it, figuring he was just some eccentric, and turned back to their conversation.

Soon, those gathered began to quiet. A woman with a stern face and greying hair in a tight bun, dressed in green and black, stood beneath the flowered archway at the front, prepared to officiate the ceremony. To her left stood a handsome young man in his mid- to late-twenties, whiteblond hair styled just enough to stay out of his silvery grey eyes. He looked nervous, adjusting first his light grey suit jacket then his green tie. Then, his eyes locked on something at the back.

The Granger cousins turned to look just as soft piano music began. The groomsmen and bridesmaids began walking in, dressed in a mix of dark reds and greens accented with gold and silver. While the cousins didn't recognize any of them, there were quite a few. They could only assume these must've been school or work friends of Hermione and her soon-to-be husband.

Then it was the bride's turn. Hermione, wearing a simple white gown with floral lace overlay, began walking down the aisle, escorted by her teary-eyed father. Her bouquet was a lovely arrangement of reds and greens, tied up with gold and silver ribbon, and a single red rose sat in her hair alongside her veil. The smile on her face was large and radiant, and a quick glance back at the groom revealed him to be smiling just as widely as soon as his eyes landed on her.

When Hermione let go of her father's hand, after he placed a tender kiss on her forehead, it was to take Draco's. The smile on his face, the warmth in his eyes, it was enough for her to wish time would stop. If only for a moment, if only so she could savor this moment just a little longer. Headmistress McGonagal, who had kindly agreed to officiate the wedding for them, began the ceremony.

It felt like a dream. Hermione didn't look anywhere but at Draco the whole time, the only exception being when they retrieved their rings from the ringbearer. As Hermione slipped the silver band onto Draco's finger and he slid her own silver band on in return, Hermione had never felt happier to say or hear two such seemingly simple words. "I do."

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