Chapter Five

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Hermione didn't see Draco again for almost a week. She figured he was sulking around the Manor about owing her a favor when he apparently didn't need to. After clearing things up with Harry and Ron, sort of, Hermione made sure neither of them intended to resort to anything drastic. Actually, Harry found the whole situation fairly funny. He'd already gotten at least some of the information from Ginny when she loaned Hermione the outfit.

Hermione couldn't help wondering what kind of questions Draco had gotten from his friends in the days after the ball either. She assumed, in addition to sulking, he was trying to explain things to the other Slytherins. It would likely be a while before he turned up at the house again. Just as well, seeing as she had her own hands full with her friends and work.

Naturally, that meant Draco was in the kitchen when she got back from work, later than normal, that Friday. As soon as she entered the house, Hermione knew he was there. Something in the kitchen smelled like it was burning.

"Draco Malfoy! What did you do this time?!" Hermione dropped her bag and coat on the chair closest the door before speed-walking into the kitchen. The oven was just starting to smoke, and a certain blond was cursing while yanking open the oven door and levitating what looked like it was supposed to be a cake out of the oven and into the disposal bin.

He turned towards the door when Hermione came in and sighed. "It's about time you got here, Hermione. Why're you back so late?"

"Overtime," Hermione said. "We're working on a big project right now, and everyone's been staying late to get it finished." She looked at Draco sharply. "Now, why are you trying to burn the house down?"

"I was not!" More quietly, Draco added, "I was just trying to make some dinner."

Hermione laughed. "And what were you trying to make?"

"Well, the fish came out fine, but you were taking forever to get here so I thought I'd make something for dessert... You can see how that turned out. I don't understand! I'm good at potions, so why is baking so hard?! It's basically the same thing!"

Hermione patted Draco's shoulder as she shook her head, used to his rants on baking by now. Within the first two months of her stay here, she learned of his inability to bake, although he could cook just fine. "It'll be ok, Draco. I'll mix a salad to go with the fish, and we can eat ice cream for dessert. I should still have some, unless you ate it all."

Ten minutes later, they were sat at the table in the dining room, eating in silence and occasionally looking over at each other as if waiting for the other to say something. Hermione had changed into leggings and a large sweater she found buried at the back of her closet a few days ago. It had been a long, fulfilling day, but she was tired now. Hermione just wanted to curl up with a good book and read until she fell asleep.

After making eye contact with Draco for the umpteenth time that dinner, Hermione set her fork down. She was done eating anyways. "Ok, what? You're never this quiet unless you're pranking me or you want something."

"It's nothing," Draco denied immediately. If Hermione didn't know any better she would think he was blushing, if only barely. "I was just wondering where my sweater went."

"Y-Your what?" Hermione looked down at the dark blue sweater, running through the items in her closet to remember when or where she'd gotten it. When she couldn't remember anything, it was Hermione's turn to blush. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine." Draco shrugged, grinning, and Hermione got a bad feeling. "After all, isn't it normal for a girl to wear her boyfriend's clothes?"

"What?!" That got Hermione's attention. She frowned, crossing her arms. "That was a one-time thing, Draco. Remember? Besides, it wasn't a real date. We were pretending."

"About that..."

Hermione felt her suspicions rising. He hadn't; surely he hadn't. "Draco, what did you do?"

"It wasn't me!" Draco held up his hands in defense, no longer looking like he was joking around. "Pansy may or may not have invited us to go on a double date... and I may or may not have said yes?" The last part was much more of a question.

"Draco!" Hermione sat forward, hands hitting the table a bit louder than she intended, but it made her point. She was not happy.

"I tried to get out of it first, I swear!" Draco held up his hands in a surrendering gesture. "This is the last time. I won't ask again."

Hermione grumbled to herself, annoyed. Stupid friendships and stupid redemption arcs. Finally, she sat back in her seat and sighed. "So what's this double date supposed to be anyways?"

Draco muttered something under his breath. When Hermione arched her eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, he repeated himself so she could hear. "A tour of the Fairy Forest..." That didn't sound so bad. She'd read up on the forest in-- "By broom..."

Draco's prospects of surviving until this double date had just decreased dramatically.

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