Chapter 10: Graduation

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At the event center before the graduation ceremony began it was 6pm, I go to sit down. Meanwhile, I notice Gretchen come in with a flowery white and blue top with a blue mini jacket and sky blue high heels with her hair in those hot curls and a blue ribbon in it. She looked stunning. I almost couldn't take my eyes off.
Me and Jeff banter a bit as Jessie goes off somewhere. Few minutes later I notice Gretchen and Jessie go outside the waiting room doors away from where all the students were at. I wondered what they could be up to.

"Hey, Jeff I gotta use the bathroom. Can you give me a sec?"

"No problem, dude. Go do your business". Jeff says to me.

"Thanks." I go out the doors toward the bathroom and at the corner of my eyes, I noticed Jess and Gretchen talking and it appears like they were viewing something on her camcorder. After making it pass the near infested hall to the bathroom, I finally get inside of it.

After I go take a whizz. I step out the bathroom only to run into Gretchen.

"Uh, hi." She says to me.

"Hey, look I want to say that I'm sorry for being the root of all this trouble."

"You don't have to apologize, Ty."

"Well, why don't I? I feel so terrible about not following my first mind of getting out when I could."

"You don't have to apologize, I heard your message you sent me."

My eyes lit up, "I came through? It wasn't a flu-"

POW! I hear from behind me. I feel an assassin's bullet strike me as a I fall forward into Gretchen's arms. I go slowly into a state of shock. All I heard was, "AAAAAAH!" And about two more gunshots. Then all remember seeing is Gretchen and a flock of people around me. Then, I slipped out of consciousness.

Roughly about 12 hours later. I regained consciousness. It was Thursday morning hours. 6:35 am. I wake up only to see me in a gown and a big gauze bandage on my left shoulder. An IV hooked up in my arm. I knew i was in a Cook County Hospital. To the left is my nurse on a computer and some flowers with well wishes balloons. To the right, is Gretchen, the woman I still love. Sleeping beauty she was I tell you. I give a wry smile as the nurse interrupts my thought.

The nurse said, "Good morning, son. You gave us quite a scare."

"I did, huh?" Me replying sarcastically.

"Man, what happened to me?" I ask the nurse.

The nurse said, "Before your graduation ceremony, you were shot in the back of your shoulder. You were lucky, if the bullet had been a millimeter lower, your artery would have been severed and you'd be dead by now buddy."

"God really must have came through for me. How long til I get outta here?"

"It's going to be about 3 days. Unless you can move you shoulder without it hurting."

"Well, let's try it. OOF! OW!" I say as I try to lift my shoulder. 

"Nice try, son. 3 days, and please try to rest that. We were lucky enough to excavate the bullet from your shoulder. It was lodged near your collarbone."

"I appreciate you guy's help. Despite it still hurting. Can you pass me the TV remote please?" I ask the nurse.

"Sure, here you go. Be a good boy and rest I have other paperwork for other patients to fill in."

"Take your time, take your time." I say as I turn on the news.

As I watched the news report, it all made sense to me. The shooter was none other than Jason. It must have been a revenge attempt considering that he still is in love with Gretchen. He was apprehended on the spot as he also shot a security guard in the chest, yet his condition had not been updated to them yet and neither has mine. Then I see students sticking up for me. I saw Jeff, Beth, and Jess in that background as my parents stated that they wanted justice for their baby boy. Then I hear Gretchen make noise and I look toward her direction.
She woke up.

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