Chapter 10: Emperor Palpatine and the Sith

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In his throne room, Emperor Palpatine said to his apprentice, "You've done better than expected. The Jedi are playing into my plans. By having all the Master Jedi and their apprentices with them in the past, I can eradicate them with one swift stroke. They think they're safe 4,000 years in the past. Before they can train the three apprentices to fight me here, I will crush them. The funny thing is that no one realizes they are in more danger in the past than in the present." The Emperor laughed — a loud and horrible laugh that reverberated throughout the sanctum.

Enki said nothing until his master was quiet. He asked him, "What do you want me to do about the Asgards, on Earth?"

"For now, do nothing. They have become technically advanced. We need to get rid of all the Jedi before we can deal with them and Earth. From what you've told me, many people on that planet are being trained as Jedi. From what I've foreseen, their training won't be enough even for the Tok'ra. If my plans turn out as expected, it won't matter anyhow. The destruction I'm putting throughout time will destroy even the Tok'ra of yesterday. If that can be done, my friend Bodo Baas won't be able to carry out his plans of sacrificing himself into the Light-side of the Force. From that, my initial plans, destroying the machine will come to pass."

"Do you want me to travel back in time to help prevent Emily, Ben, and Jack from becoming full Jedi?" Enki asked.

"Be patient, my friend. Let them do their futile gesture in training those apprentices. It will do them no good. What I have been planning for centuries won't end!" He paused for a moment and continued, "just to ease your curiosity. I've set in motion, in that time, that will keep them busy and distracted from reaching their goals. I will trap them in that time forever. Whatever special training they can receive from Master Thon and Master Vodo won't do them any good if they can't come back to destroy me and my plans."

"Then what do you want me to do, Master?"

"I want you to go to the Goa'uld homeworld and help with their training. They're to become my new special Sith Lords. When the time comes, I'll instruct you to lead them to Earth to destroy the Tok'ra and the Asgards. You can do what you like with the rest of the beings on Earth. Now go, my friend."

Enki left.


As they got to their destination and met up with Master Jedi Nomi Sunrider in person, Brandon felt a strong disturbance in the Force. "We better get going; I feel danger approaching."

Nomi replied, "I have been feeling it ever since I have been here." As they were about to come up to the Peacemaker, many rakghouls came after them in large numbers. "Exar Kun and Ulic could only design these creatures. Sith magic can only create these monstrosities."

From the special abilities that Yoda has taught him, Brandon used the Force to turn the projectile weapons flying towards them to attack the creatures that threw them. As quickly as the battle began, it ended. He destroyed all the creatures.

Sam commanded everyone to get on board. She helped her friend Dentralla take off quickly as the Peacemaker could move through space.

After seeing Master Jedi Brandon Bowers use the Force, Nomi understood the importance of the five Jedi. "Who taught you to use the Force like that?"

"Master Yoda taught me that and a few more things. I can turn even laser fire of any weapon and turn it to any direction I choose, toward the one that fired the weapon."

"I have seen no Jedi do what you have done. I can see why Master Thon said only you five can defeat the Emperor and his plans."

He told Nomi that Yoda is with us — in a way.

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